1.4 Advocate for areas of need and emerging priority • Mapping of primary health networks in terms

has been revised, with initial phase of scoping with key stakeholders (e.g., RACGP, AMA) and SPA members will proceed, to determine what may be the best approach to raise awareness of the needs of those with communication and swallowing difficulties with GPs and PHNs (timelines and scope of this project is being considered carefully in the context of member feedback on current high demand on speech pathology services). 2.2 Build the evidence of impact and cost benefit of speech pathology services • Cost Benefit Research: following on from the justice cost-benefit research, scoping and modelling is underway for another practice area, specifically in the area of early childhood. Specific organisations and economic modelling consultants are being consulted to inform the scope of this work and to identify any potential partners. To date, ARACY, MCRI, and consultants at PWC have been consulted. Early childhood education partners will also be consulted. A second area of potential cost-benefit intervention research is being considered for aged care services. 2.3 Support community and person-centred practice • Implement consumer decision making strategies. SPA staff have met with website designers Parisfirst to understand opportunities for the 'Find a Speech Pathologist' web function. SPA staff have prepared information for Parisfirst to progress the development of specifications. • Broader website review to enhance navigation and usability for members and the public is underway. 2.4 Promote services that are safe, inclusive and responsive to consumer need With respect to cultural responsiveness measures, a range of items have been progressed including: • Development of a new resource Planning your CPD: Optimising professional learning. This resource provides specific recommendations when seeking CPD related to cultural

of identified areas of need that align with speech pathology services and forming targeted approaches alongside relevant Branches and members.

OUR IMPACT Speech pathology is valued and recognised in the community A major focus of this pillar lies in raising awareness of the impact of communication disability and swallowing difficulties and

gaining greater recognition of the need for services. To support this intention, there needs to be strong evidence and cost-benefit research to demonstrate efficacy of intervention and positive impact on outcomes. Key activities involve SPA’s participation in the activities of the International Communication Project to promote global awareness, and other strategies to support understanding of communication disability and communication access, as well as supports for appropriate, culturally responsive and effective services. A review of targeted promotional activities forms part of this pillar. Specific highlights against priority areas include: 2.1 Increase recognition of the needs of people with communication and swallowing disorders • Communication Access Terminology project has now been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee, with research now well underway, with initial focus groups with people with lived experience of communication disability, as well as professionals. Large scale surveying will follow. This project is part of the broader strategy of establishing national communication access standards. • Building a range of promotional campaigns: following a workshop held with the Board, a targeted scoping project with a focus on general practitioners and the primary health sector has been agreed. A detailed proposal

responsiveness to seek CPD that is planned/ delivered by or in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, includes research that shows ethical practice working


October 2021 | Speak Out

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