National strategic plan and priorities

An overview of current progress against the three pillars of the Strategic Plan 2020- 2022

OUR VOICE Pillar/strategic goal

Education and Training) reinforcing the link between adult literacy and early oral language as an underpinning competency. 1.2 Deploy interprofessional and international collaboration to improve outcomes • SPA and NZSTA representatives are working together with The Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) to develop standards for allied health services in intensive care. • SPA hosted a podcast with the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) to promote the advocacy rights for those with communication and swallowing difficulties. • Partnership with Raising Literacy Australia to develop a series of picture books to promote early language development. • Continued involvement in the National Early Language and Literacy Coalition to form, and have government adopt, a National Early Language and Literacy Strategy. • Continued partnership with ALIA and SPA in relation to the Speechie Library Talks. • To address the well-being of members, Professional Education and Senior Advisor Justice and Mental Health, has worked with Lifeline Northern Beaches to develop a LIVE Online learning program addressing client and vicarious trauma. The Accidental Counsellor PLUS course runs bi-monthly via the Learning Hub and has been available for members and SPA staff. • SPA and NZSTA hosting meetings with the Philippines Association of Speech Language

Speech Pathology Australia is the trusted voice of the profession

This pillar is broadly focussed on advocacy and representation by the Association across a range of platforms, both nationally and internationally. There have been continued increased opportunities for representation at Federal and State/Territory government levels, as well as with key stakeholder and advocacy groups. Increased levels of attendance at strategic meetings have occurred along with a high level of submissions/ response to consultations and invitations to appear at key Royal Commission and Select Standing Committee inquiry hearings. Key areas of representation lie across disability/NDIS; aged care; hearing health; end of life/palliative care; education; and early language and literacy. Collaborative global and interprofessional efforts continue across a range of issues. Specific highlights against priority areas include: 1.1 Lead effective relationships with government and other key stakeholders • Meetings held and policy positions presented to the Minister for Health’s Senior Advisor and National Chief Allied Health Advisor in regard to the Aged Care Royal Commission report and the government’s response. • Attendance at Hearing Health Sector Alliance meetings with ministerial and department representatives, along with further involvement in specific working parties working towards the Hearing Health Roadmap. • Ongoing high-level contributions to the Primary Health Reform 10-year plan (providing allied health and speech pathology specific representation). • Engagement with, and presentation at the Queensland Parliament, Health and Environment Committee public hearing on Voluntary Assisted Dying draft bill, July 2021. • Presentation to the Adult Literacy Inquiry (Standing Committee on Employment,

Pathologists discussing future collaboration with the International Communication Project and hosting a webinar to promote the global profile of communication disability rights.

1.3 Ensure policy is informed by evidence • A proposal to support SPA member access to full text journal articles from within the CINAHL

database–a limited trial has been approved (see further information in this issue of Speak Out p6).


Speak Out | October 2021

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