National strategic plan and priorities con't

3.2 Build the capacity and capability of the profession • Core document Evidence-Based Practice in Speech Pathology has been updated and available on the SPA website. • EBP online education resource, revision nearing finalisation. 3.3 Understand, grow and support workforce of increasing diversity to respond to diverse community • Workforce Analysis Project to document current profile of the profession is underway. Scope of project has expanded to address 3.3.1 Part A and B of the strategic plan. Consultants, AHP Workforce, will combine SPA data, prevalence and need/demand data and geographical data from a third party to be able to map distribution. Stakeholder engagement has commenced with meetings with Professional Standards Advisory Committee and SPA Senior Advisor team. This project is critical given the growing concerns of inadequate supply of speech pathologists to meet demand. Of note in this context is the recent 2021 Skills Priority List shows speech pathology as having a national shortage with a strong future demand. A separate new project currently being scoped involves the need to better understand the interests and needs of public sector speech pathologists to ensure that membership is perceived as relevant and valued and services to this sector is available. A project officer is planned to drive this work. 3.4 Lead innovation in the speech pathology profession • Awarding of annual innovation awards in areas of practice and research, with available grants to be doubled in the next round. Progress against the Strategic Plan is presented to the Board at each quarterly Board meeting. Further updates will be periodically provided to members. Gail Mulcair Chief Executive Officer

with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and informed by indigenous world view, voices and practices. • Inclusion at a minimum in practice documents of key information from the EBP core document regarding EBP and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. • Established a new position, Senior Advisor Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy and Practice, with Tara Lewis commencing in this role on the 16 August 2021. OUR WORKFORCE Pillar/strategic goal Speech pathologists are This includes supporting the professional skills and competency of the profession to deliver evidence- based practice and to build the research base of the profession. A critical component is to have an adequate supply of appropriately equipped speech pathologists to meet the growing demand of the community and to ensure that diversity is reflected in the profile of our membership. Specific highlights against priority areas include: 3.1 Promote commitment to professionalism and life-long learning • The Association's new Learning Management System continues to be expanded with flexible learning opportunities. • A website review is underway and has included strategies which will improve navigation to professional and clinical resources. • Reviews of the new Professional Standards equipped for quality practice that meets community needs The overall focus of this pillar includes the preparation of the profession to meet the needs of the community.

and PSR requirements have determined certain components of mandatory CPD and reinforcement of reflective practice.

Read the 2020-2022 Strategic Plan


Speak Out | October 2021

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