DSM-5 Update The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition ( DSM-5 ) is the 2013 update to the American Psychiatric Association’s classification and diagnostic tool. • Pervasive developmental disorder, and its subcategories, has been eliminated As a result, autistic disorder, Rett’s disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, Asperger’s disorder and pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified are no longer separate categories. Instead, children meeting the criteria for these disorders will be given a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder with varying degrees of severity, and The most notable changes of interest for speech pathologists include:
• Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder has been added. Information including the implications for speech pathologists working with children who are eligible for Helping Children with Autism or Better Start funding can be found on SPA’s DSM-5 Update webpage (via Information for Members > Resources > Professional Practice Info Sheets and FAQs ). NICHOLA HARRIS Professional and Clinical Advisor Find out more at the SPA CPD Live Online event “What is the DSM-V criteria for autism, and how will it affect clinical practice?” by Professor Andrew Whitehouse on Wednesday 26 March. View Upcoming SPA Events on the website for more information.
Engaging kids in therapy just got a whole lot easier.
Learn how to use the highly acclaimed SAS computer game to teach kids how to recognise emotions in themselves and others, express their feelings in appropriate ways and manage social challenges such as talking and playing with others, trying new things and bullying. Shown to be effective for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Workshop topics include tailoring game-play to meet a range of therapy and learning goals, optimising skill transference to real life and managing process issues. Ideal for private practice, community and classroom settings.
1 Day Workshop Dates 2014 Brisbane 14 March Melbourne 28 May Brisbane 30 May
$145 (computer game not included)
4 June
Sydney 11 June Adelaide 18 June
Visit www.sst-institute.net for workshop details and training dates for the SAS group program
Speak Out February 2014
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