Speak Out October 2018

organisations to meet their obligations for people with communication impairments under the new standards, and we will continue to use these to advocate for further resourcing in this sector. You may also like to read comments on this from Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt’s office, included in the HelloCare articles referred to below. Aged Care Workforce Strategy Report The taskforce has now delivered this report, A Matter of Care – Australia’s Aged Care Workforce Strategy to the Minister, and the report has now been released publicly, available here: www.agedcare.health.gov.au/sites/g/files/net1426/f/ documents/09_2018/aged_care_workforce_strategy_report. pdf Speech Pathology Australia was invited to participate in the National round-table that looked at the palliative care workforce needs. NSAF (National Screening Assessment Form) review The NSAF is used to collect information from clients during screening (via My Aged Care), home support assessment (via RAS Regional assessment Service) or during comprehensive assessment (via aged care assessment teams). A recent review of the NSAF was undertaken, though with not much change to the items impacting swallowing and communication. Further information can be found at https://consultations.health.gov. au/aged-care-access-and-quality-acaq/review-of-the-nsaf/ Speech Pathology Australia continues to have the opportunity to provide short training sessions to new RAS assessors in Victoria. SECTOR ADVOCACY The National Advisor Aged Care, along with other members of the National Office team continue to focus on advocacy activities including those outlined below. DVA Reforms ‘Improved Dental and Allied Health budget measure’: DVA is currently reforming all aspects of their business, and a key initiative will look to change aspects of Allied Health service delivery. Full details can be accessed here: www.dva.gov.au/ providers/improved-dental-and-allied-health-provider- information Speech Pathology Australia has actively participated in the DVA National HealthCare Providers partnership forums to provide feedback, as well as submitting written feedback regarding the current reform focus ‘new treatment cycle initiative’. Further information can be obtained through the National Advisor Aged Care. DVA Rehabilitation Appliance Review: Speech Pathology Australia has participated as a member of the RAP review advisory panel and provided recommendations for thickening products to be made available under the RAP to avoid many of the current delays in access. NACA (National Aged Care Alliance) Speech Pathology Australia continues to be represented as part of NACA, and at the last meeting in Canberra, contributed to a presentation by the professionals constituency to the sector wide audience regarding our role in working with older people. This is a key advocacy opportunity for us in the aged care sector space Vic Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill – guidance materials for medical professionals Speech Pathology Australia has been approached to provide content advice for the guidance materials that are to be developed to assist in the implementation of the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation in Victoria. This information will be to support medical practitioners on how to communicate

with people with communication difficulties. This is a wonderful recognition of both SPA’s position to contribute to such a document, but importantly recognition by the Department of Health and Human Services of the need to ensure that people with complex communication needs, such as those with a neurodegenerative disease, can access the support they may need to access this assistance. It seems like this additional content in such materials may be a world first so stay tuned for further details! RECENT AGED CARE MEDIA Speech Pathology Australia has recently partnered with HelloCare, an online magazine that targets the aged care, home care and retirement village sectors to produce three online editorials. You can find them here: When words fail – communication is still crucial www.hellocaremail.com.au/when-words-fail-communication- crucial/?post_ID=9661&newwsletter_ID=862&emailid=agedcares peechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Max’s story www.hellocaremail.com.au/max-story-finding-power-speech- pathology/?post_ID=9739&newsletter_ID=872&emailid=agedcare speechpathologyaustralia.org.au What will the new Quality Standards mean for those who can’t speak for themselves? www.hellocaremail.com.au/will-new-quality-standards-mean- cant-speak/?post_ID=9836&newsletter_ID=888&emailid=agedcar espeechpathologyaustralia.org.au You may like to look in particular at the comments we received from the spokesman from Aged Care Minister Hon Ken Wyatt’s office in relation to how people with communication difficulties should be supported under the new Aged Care Quality Standards – interesting reading. Additional articles spotted include: Giving a voice to people with impaired communication www.australianageingagenda.com.au We need to improve communication access for the elderly www.australianageingagenda.com.au


October 2018 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Speak Out

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