our team found Speech Pathology Week as exciting as we did and we can’t wait to do it all again next year! Department for Education, Para Hills Office – Speech pathologists Melanie Barrie, Majella Mrdjen, Megan Hobby and senior speech pathologist Rachael Read organised an afternoon tea (including a very special Speech Pathology Week cake!) and series of events for the entire Para Hills Education Office team, which includes Special Educators, Social Workers, Behaviour Support Coaches, Psychologists, admin staff, and members of the local education team. They tied in Book Week and set up a photobooth with the speech pathology team voting for the best photo with the winner awarded PHO’s Next Top Model! There was then a search around the office for eight envelopes with the Speech Pathology Week logo on the front containing postcards detailing facts about communication disability - the first to collect all eight won a prize and was crowned the Amazing Race winner. Finally, a quiz about all things speech pathology - ‘What is a uvula and what is it for?!?’ - with the winner (not a speech pathologist!) scoring an amazing 27 out of 30! It was wonderful to involve the whole team of 130 in celebrating and acknowledging the work of speech pathologists. Aphasia SA (formerly the Talkback Association for Aphasia Inc) – Coralie Hayley, speech pathologist and secretary of Aphasia SA, organised a communication workshop which was held at the end of Speech Pathology Week. Members participated in the workshop which aimed to improve their use of various aphasia and communication apps, as well as basic, general, and advanced skills in the use of a computer (targeted at each individuals skill level). Members reported positive feedback following the workshop and new skills were learnt by all!

Overall a highly successful celebration of Speech Pathology Week, supported by the grants from the SA Branch. Safe to say, many are looking forward to doing it all again next year!

PREVIOUS PAGE LEFT Department of Education Para Hills staff. The Apashia SA workshop. THIS PAGE TOP LEFT Uni SA - Cathy, Kathy, Veronica (SP student) and Victoria (SP student) at the Manor Farm Playgroup for Speech Pathology Week. Dept. Ed Berri Office student support services team members and educators. Novita speech pathology students. From the Dept. Ed Para Hills Office is Rachael Read and Ben Kha and the Novita Speech Pathology Team.


October 2021 | Speak Out

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