June 2016
www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.auSpeak Out
New south
NSW 1964
as at April 2016
The Australian Dysphonia
Network Inc, was formally established
in January 2016 and aims to support
and advocate for people whose lives are
impacted by a voice disorder. Difficult
to diagnose, difficult to understand, and
often difficult to manage, dysphonia
can affect all aspects of a person’s
life including their general health and
wellbeing. Yet, until now there has been
little local support, opportunity to share
experiences, or general awareness of
voice disorders.
The ADN was founded by Louise
Bale who has been living with mixed
spasmodic dysphonia for the past 11
years. Louise felt the need to give voice to
those living with all forms of chronic voice
disorders, recognising that regardless
of the diagnosis, the impact of life with
dysphonia was just as challenging. In
October 2015, she hosted ‘Dysphonia
- Let’s talk about it’, an independent,
one-day conference in Sydney for people
living with a voice disorder, their partners,
friends, and voice health professionals.
At this event, the plan for an Australian
network run by, and for people with voice
disorders was born.
Each current member of the ADN
committee lives with some form of
dysphonia. This ensures a deep
understanding of the impact it can have
on everyday functioning, relationships,
careers and social participation.
Although newly established, the ADN has
very clear aims for the future, including
(a) providing support for people affected
by a voice disorder, their families and
friends, (b) increasing public awareness
of dysphonia and voice care, (c) raising
awareness and educating GPs and
other health practitioners to aid in early
diagnosis and better management, and
(d) funding research into the causes,
management and psycho-social impact
of voice disorders. The ADN is also
keen to advocate for environmental
considerations, (for example the impact
Dysphonia - Let’s Talk about it,
with the Australian Dysphonia
Network Inc
Sheridan Gaudry with Riverlands Harmony Chorus.