Speak Out December 2020

in practice

Guild and SPA documents

Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) national office staff and a team from Guild Insurance meet on a regular basis to discuss areas of identified risks for Association members. Guild have produced a number of documents for members as a result of these discussions. SPA staff had received an increasing number of queries about ending therapeutic relationships with clients. A relationship might end because the needs of the client won’t be met by that speech pathologist and they should be seeing someone else who has the knowledge and expertise they require. It may also occur because the relationship has become strained

or difficult and therefore it’s no longer effective. A new document produced by SPA and Guild provides support for members about this issue: Ending a therapeutic relationship can be found on the Speech Pathology Australia Professional Resources page. Guild have also updated the document Facebook- risks in speech pathology practice . The document contains information about benefits and risks of using Facebook is a professional forum, issues pertaining to privacy, posting information about clients and appropriate use of social media for clients and supports.

Private Practice Advisory Group Seeking nominations

Speech Pathology Australia (The Association) has a role to play in supporting members who own and run a private practice and face challenging issues in the current climate. The Association is seeking members who have experience running a business to join a new Private Practice Advisory Group in order to identify key issues and provide information and understanding of the challenges being faced in the private sector and support the Association in the development of resources and supports for private practice owners. It is hoped the Group will bring together a panel of experienced business owners, including sole providers and speech pathologist who engage staff, from a variety of workplace contexts across different states and locations around Australia. Applicants will be selected so there is representation from providers with different sized practices and workplace contexts across different states and locations across Australia

The Group will meet bi-monthly to facilitate the Association’s engagement with private practice owners and it is hoped most members could commit to being on the Group for two years. If this is something you would be keen to support, • any relevant skills, experience and networks • how you might best represent issues face by private practice owners in the area and location of your practice. You are welcome to make contact if you have any questions. Please contact Nichola Harris, Manager Professional Practice nharris@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au Applications close Monday 4 January 2021. please send a letter outlining: • your interest in this group

Nichola Harris Manager Professional Practice


December 2020 | Speak Out

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