RAP Speech Pathology Australia

Our Business Speech Pathology Australia (the Association) is the peak body for the speech pathology profession in Australia. It is a not for profit organisation with a Board of Directors which is responsible for the strategic development, implementation and evaluation of the Association’s procedures and policies within the rules of the Constitution. The board has seven members with three elected to positions of President, Vice President Operations, and Vice President Communications. The Association represents the past, present and future of the speech pathology profession in Australia. Speech pathologists support all people to communicate effectively, balance enjoyment and safety in eating and drinking, connect and belong, exercise their right to self-determination, fulfil their day to day needs, participate in and contribute to their community, learn to their full potential and achieve their life choices. As at December 2018, the Association represents more than 9,000 speech pathologists nationally, including 46 speech pathologists and students who identify as Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander people. Speech Pathology Australia employs a total of 35 people, none of whom identify as Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander people. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and 26 employees are based at the National Office in Melbourne, and a further eight employees work remotely. Branches are established in each state and territory and provide a forum for discussion of issues impacting on the profession of speech pathology, state or territory level issues and Association policies. In addition, they act as a forum through which the views of members may be passed on to the Board of Directors and CEO. Branch Executive Committees are made up of volunteers and are supported by the National Office.


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