RAP Speech Pathology Australia
Acknowledgements The Board of Directors of Speech Pathology Australia would like to acknowledge all those who contributed to the development of this, the first Reconciliation Action Plan for the speech pathology profession in Australia. In particular, we acknowledge members, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal, who provided feedback through participation in forums, completion of the online survey, comment on drafts of the plan and discussion at Branch meetings across Australia. We also gratefully acknowledge non-members of the profession who provided valuable input, as well as the generous support of Indigenous Allied Health Australia and Reconciliation Australia throughout the process of development. We acknowledge the contribution of the Speech Pathology Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee whose feedback and insights provided strategic direction. Members of the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group worked together to transform ideas into actions, timelines and measurable targets. Finally, we acknowledge the contribution of Dixon Patten of Bayila Creative (bayila.com.au) whose artwork incorporates concepts which connect the profession of speech pathology with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. These diverse contributions have been vital to the development of a plan which aims to lead the speech pathology profession towards a more responsive relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia. We look forward to continuing to develop a relationship which recognises and values the resilience and unique ways of knowing and being of our nation’s First Peoples.
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