RAP Speech Pathology Australia


Deliverable Responsibility


Raise internal awareness of our RAP

1. Develop and implement a plan to raise awareness amongst all members and staff across the organisation about our RAP commitments 2. Develop and implement a plan to engage and inform key internal stakeholders of their responsibilities within our RAP 3. Create readily accessible website content related to reconciliation, including SPA RAP, details of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee, links to resources related to culturally responsive practice 4. Include information related to our RAP in SPA publications. 1. Research best practice and policies in areas of race relations and anti-discrimination 2. Conduct a review of HR policies and procedures to identify existing anti-discrimination provisions, and future needs.

Convenor RWG

Jan 2020

Convenor RWG, Manager Marketing & Comms

Apr 2020

Convenor RWG, Manager Marketing & Comms

Dec 2019

Convenor RWG, Manager Marketing & Comms

Apr 2020

Promote positive race relations through anti-discrimination strategies

Apr 2020

Manager, policy and advocacy Manager, Member Services and Operations

Apr 2020

Our Philosophy Outlines the Association’s desire for the services of the profession to be driven by the needs of clients, families, communities and the wider society.

Build external relationships to inform and guide the ways the profession works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, families, carers and communities

1. Develop a list of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and organisations within our local area or sphere of influence that we could approach to connect with on our reconciliation journey 2. Develop a list of RAP organisations and other like-minded organisations that we could approach to connect with on our reconciliation journey 3. Develop a list of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations that employ, or could employ, speech pathologists with whom we could develop reciprocal relationships.

Convenor RWG

Apr 2020

Apr 2020

Convenor RWG

Apr 2020

Convenor RWG


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