Apply the latest research to your clinical practice
Rooms for rent
Consulting Room for lease for Speech Pathologist – Parkside SA
Newly refurbished room in an established Psychology/Allied Health Practice. Close to Unley Road and CBD. Air conditioned with pleasant waiting room and staff facilities, plenty of storage for equipment.
From the comfort of your home or office, earn professional development hours and gain practical tools and strategies you can apply to your work the very next day.
Available on a sessional or F/T basis Mon–Sat.
Enjoy these and other Hanen e-Seminars Live or On Demand :
Access to Eftpos, Hicaps, wi-fi and fax. Very reasonable rates. Contact Sophie Floreani on 0411 774 905 or email s.psych@bigpond.com
Coaching Parents in How to Play
Involving Parents in Diagnostic Intervention for Toddlers with Suspected Motor Speech Difficulties
Starting Early: Red Flags and Treatment Tips for Toddlers on the Autism Spectrum
Writing Road to Reading 1 Teacher Training Course Gain the skills to teach writing, spelling and reading to primary school students. July and January Sydney and Melbourne Contact Susan Byrne 02 9412 1966 spaldingaust@optusnet.com.au January and July Sydney and elbourne
Eligibility expanded – Your speech pathology assistants can now attend!
Group pricing available – Attend with your whole team and save!
Learn more at www.hanen.org/onlinetraining
Speak Out October 2013
Speech Pathology Australia
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