ACQ Vol 11 No 1 2009


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Summary and conclusions In summary, the literature indicates that free water protocols may be a promising alternative for patients without significant co-morbidities and good oral hygiene, both in terms of patient satisfaction and improved health markers. It would be extremely beneficial to conduct a large-scale trial examining use of free water versus thickened fluids in a population of dysphagic patients with known aspiration to complement/confirm previous research results. References Abe, S., Ishihara, K., & Okuda, K. (2001). Prevalence of potential respiratory pathogens in the mouths of elderly patients and effects of professional oral care. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics , 32 (1), 45–55. Adachi, M., Ishihara, K., Abe, S., Okuda, K., & Ishikawa, T. (2002). Effect of professional oral health care on the elderly living in nursing homes. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology , 94 (2), 191–195. Addington, W. R., Stephens, R. E., Gilliland, K., & Rodrigueiz, M. (1999). Assessing the laryngeal cough reflex and the risk of developing pneumonia after stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , 80 (2), 150–154. Addington, W. R., Stephens, R. E., & Gilliland, K. A. (1999). Assessing the laryngeal cough reflex and the risk of develop­ ing pneumonia after stroke: an interhospital comparison. Stroke , 30 (6), 1203–1207. Astor, F. C., Hanft, K. L., & Ciocon, J. O. (1999). Xerostomia: a prevalent condition in the elderly. Ear Nose Throat Journal , 78 (7), 476–479. Boyton, R. J., & Openshaw, P. J. (2002). Pulmonary defences to acute respiratory infection. British Medical Bulletin , 61 , 1–12. Brook, I. (2003). Management and prevention of dental infections. 1. Retrieved 24 April 2003, from http//www. Budtz-Jorgensen, E., Mojon, P., Banon-Clement, J. M., & Baehni, P. (1996). Oral candidosis in long-term hospital care: comparison of endentulous and dentate subjects. Oral Disease , 2 (4), 285–290. Cassiere, H. A. (1998). Aspiration pneumonia: Current concepts and approach to management. Retrieved 2 January 2002 from REspiratoryCare/jouranl/1998/v02.n01/ Cook, I. J., & Kahrilas, P. J. (1999). AGA technical review on management of oropharyngeal dysphagia. Gastroenterology, 116, 455–478. Crystal, R., West, J. B., Barnes, P. J., Cherniack, M. S., & Weibel, E. R. (Eds.). (1991). The lung: Scientific foundations . vol. 2. New York: Raven. Curtis, J. & Langmore., S. E. (1997). Respiratory function and complications related to deglutition. In Perlman & K Schulze-Delrieu (Eds.), Deglutition and its disorders: Anatomy, physiology, clinical diagnosis and management , pp. 99–214. San Diego, CA: Singular. Daniels, S.K., Brailey, K., Priestly, D.H., Herrington, L.R., Weisberg, L.A., Foundas, A.L. (1998). Aspiration in patients with acute stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , 79 (1):14–19. DeLegge, M. H. (2002). Aspiration pneumonia: Incidence, mortality and at-risk populations. Journal of Peranteral and Enteral Nutrition , 26 (6), s19–s25. DePippo, K. L., Holas, M. A., Reding, M. J., Mandel, F. S., & Lesser, M. L. (1994). Dysphagia therapy following stroke: A controlled trial. Neurology , 44 , 1655–1660. Diaz-Arnold, A. & Marek, C. A. (2002). The impact of saliva on patient care: A literature review. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry , 88 , 337–343.

ACQ uiring knowledge in sp eech , language and hearing , Volume 11, Number 1 2009


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