2018 Speech Pathology Resource Guide
J&R Press Book: Bowen, C. & Snow, P. C. (2017). Making Sense of Interventions for Children with Developmental Disorders . Guildford: J&R Press. ISBN 978-1- 907826-32-0. A guide, for parents and professionals, to distinguishing between scientific and pseudoscientific clinic and classroom interventions intended for children and young people. Focus: Adolescent, school-aged, paediatric, neurological Contact: 1. Rachael Wilkie J&R Press rachael_jrpress@btinternet.com 2 . Adele Wallis adele@sandpiperpublications.com.au Sandpiper Publications www.sandpiperpublications.com.au/J- R-Press-pg18856.html Address: Rachael Wilkie, J&R Press Ltd, Farley Heath Cottage, Albury, Near Guildford. GU5 9EW Phone: +44(0)1483 894256 W: www.jr-press.co.uk Key Word Sign Victoria Key Word Sign workshops in Victoria. Book into a calendar workshop, or request a workshop for your network. Category: Disability, autism, community inclusion Focus: Adult, adolescent, paediatric, school-aged Contact: training@keywordsignvictoria.org Address: PO BOX 142 Canterbury Victoria, 3126 Phone: 0499 522 711 E: admin@keywordsignvictoria.org W: www.keywordsignvictoria.org
Kids Are Kids! Kids Are Kids! provide Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Clinical Psychology to children aged 0-18 years with disabilities or developmental needs. Services can be provided in an individual or group setting at the home, centre or school. Category: Speech/articulation, disability, language, literacy, voice, autism, swallowing, stuttering Focus: adolescent, paediatric, school- aged, neurological Contact: info@kidsarekids.org.au Address: 26 Parry Avenue, Bateman WA 6150 Phone: (08) 9313 6566 La Trobe Aphasia Lab A free resource designed to support speech pathology and social work co- facilitation of a group for people living with aphasia. Category: Language Focus: Adult Contact: Michelle Attard E: info@aphasia.community W: http://aphasia.community/ resources/resources-for-aphasia-groups E: info@kidsarekids.org.au W: www.kidsarekids.org.au
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