2018 Speech Pathology Resource Guide
Inclusive Directions Inclusive Directions is a South Australian, boutique provider of therapies and supports for families living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Global Developmental Delay (GDD), intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviours. Focus: adolescent, school-aged, paediatric, neurological, toddler through pre school Address: 1/ 34-40 Bennet Avenue, Melrose Park, SA 5039 Phone: 08 7235600 E: greg.vowles@directions.org.au W: www.directions.org.au
Have you been looking for treatment research but don’t know where to start? Most speech pathologists (SPs) don’t have time to spend hours searching different databases to find published research. Evaluating the scientific quality of research can be another hurdle for clinicians who are looking for the best evidence to improve client outcomes. speechBITE is a searchable database providing access and appraisal of intervention research in SLP. There are over 5000 research articles which we have found for you by searching multiple online databases (eg Medline, PsycINFO). We activities to encourage spontaneous, interactive sessions with free home practice for families. Teletherapy version coming this year! Category: Speech/articulation, language, literacy Focus: Adult, adolescent, paediatric, school-aged Contact: Antonette (Toni) Seiler Address: PO Box 1456, Bairnsdale, VIC, 3875 Phone: 03 5156 8309 E: info@elr.com.au W: www.elr.com.au/elr.htm ELR Software Pty Ltd Over 13,000 computer/web/iPad
speechBITE – Answering the need for better access to evidence
free resource
only list treatment research relevant to SPs and the database is updated monthly, so you can be sure you have access to the LATEST PRE-APPRAISED EVIDENCE. • Search for articles • Obtain ratings of methodological design • Learn how to critically appraise methods • Stay informed with regular updates • Connect with us @speechBITE or www.facebook.com/speechB
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