Speech Pathology Australia Strategic Plan 2017-2019

Our philosophy Our profession’s service is driven by the needs of clients, families, communities and our society.



By 2020...

Clients and communities driving service delivery

Consumers are involved in the governance and

Build consumer or community representation into the governance structures of the Board of Directors of the Association, such as through consumer representation or an advisory committee Develop an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples Reconciliation Action Plan for the Association, including specific initiatives involving people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds on governance and advisory structures Strengthen relationships with key consumer groups (including Consumer Health Forum and specific client/ condition groups) and partner on specific initiatives Identify strategic “champions” to advocate with those with communication and swallowing disability.

key work of Speech Pathology Australia

Speech Pathology Australia members design their services in line with client and community needs and preferences Speech Pathology Australia members design services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse groups, with a sound understanding of their specific needs

Provide education and resources to members to enhance understanding and incorporation of client and family centred philosophies and practices to be in line with changing service and funding models and community expectations.

Roll-out national training in cultural responsiveness and culturally safe practice for members Include cultural responsiveness training as a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist weighted activity within the professional self-regulation program (with a focus on speech pathologists trained prior to inclusion in undergraduate training) Embed the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Curriculum Framework into Competency Based Occupational Standards (CBOS) and accreditation standards of the Association, and work with universities in developing this knowledge and skills in our future workforce Build knowledge and resources for working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse populations, including building awareness among members and the wider community of initiatives to instill cultural responsiveness within practice and services Support members in advocating for culturally safe practices within their workplace.


Speech Pathology Australia | Strategic Plan 2017-2019

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