Speech Pathology Australia Resource Guide 2016
resource guide 20 16 speech pathology
Word Meanings ELR Software
Extra Language Resources
A computer program and iPad App designed to strengthen semantic processing, based on Building Language: Word Meanings by Robyn Dower and Jan Mackey. Subject: Semantic therapy Target Group: Speech pathologists and clients with acquired brain injury Focus: Adult Contact to order: Toni Seiler Organisation: ELR Software Pty Ltd Address: PO Box 1456, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 Phone: (03) 5156 8309 Speech Pathology Resources develop interactive Australian apps for parents, therapists and educators to help children learn. Our app Katie’s Missing Laugh is a tool to help children practice and identify the ‘k’ sound in an engaging interactive storybook activity. Subject: Speech and language apps Target Group: Resources for parents, therapists and educators Focus: Paediatric, school aged Contact to order: iTunes App Store Organisation: Speech Pathology Resources Address: Hamilton NSW 2292 e: shae@speechpathologyresources. com.au w: speechpathologyresources.com.au Speech Pathology Resources e: info@elr.com.au w: www.elr.com.au
Over 12,500 computer/web/iPad activities (and always growing) to encourage spontaneous, interactive sessions with free home practice for families. Subject: Phonology, phonological awareness, semantics, sentence processing, literacy and oral narrative. Target Group: Speech pathologists, teachers and parents Focus: Adult, adolescent, paediatric, school-aged, neurological Contact to order: Toni Seiler Organisation: ELR Software Pty Ltd Address: PO Box 1456, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 Phone: (03) 5156 8309 Babychatter Lots of speech and language resources for free download including articulation and vocabulary. Australian vocabulary. EBooks for parents. Subject: Early speech and language development Target Group: Therapists and parents with children 0-4 yrs Focus: Paediatric Contact to order: Lyn Goodwin e: info@elr.com.au w: www.elr.com.au
Organisation: Babychatter Address: 1 / 55 Hampden Rd,
Nedlands, WA 6009 Phone : 0431 907 965
e: lyngoodwin@btinternet.com w: www.babychatter.com.au
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