Speech Pathology Australia Resource Guide 2016
resource guide 20 16 speech pathology
Dept. Family and Community Services NSW Build-a-Sentence ELR Software A computer program to strengthen labelling of nouns, verbs and objects and production of two and three part sentences. Subject: Early sentence production. Target Group: Speech pathologists, teachers and parents Focus: Paediatric Contact to order: Toni Seiler Organisation: ELR Software Pty Ltd Address: PO Box 1456, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 Phone: (03) 5156 8309 Core standards comprise the recommended knowledge practitioners need to support people with disability. These programs help practitioners to translate knowledge to practice. Subject: Core Standard Practice Guides and appraisals for practitioners who support people with disability. Target Group: Speech pathologists working with people with disability Focus: Disability Contact to order: Free downloads from website, or Felicity Burke, Practice Leader Speech Pathology, Dept. of Family and Community Services NSW. Organisation: Dept. of Family and Community Services NSW Address: Level 3, 93, George Street Parramatta Phone: 02 94077 1573 e: felicity.burke@facs.nsw.gov.au w: https://www.adhc.nsw.gov.au e : info@elr.com.au w : www.elr.com.au
TELLABLE Language Action Game
Pictures covering all sounds in all word positions for use in articulation therapy. (Lynn Rodgers: Articulation therapy Aids (Book 1). Lynn Rodgers: Consonant Blends, Vowels and Dipthongs (Book 2). Available in book or cd-rom format. Subject: Articulation Target Group: Speech pathologists, parents and teachers working with children. Focus: Paediatric, school-aged Contact to order: Lynn Rodgers Address: 18A Old Sackville Road, Wilberforce, 2756, NSW Phone : 02 4575 1335 e: lynn@jerahtech.com.au w: www.ros.com.au/~crodgers/artic A motivating game of verbal interaction that extends language use. This resource is ideal for Constraint Induced Language Therapy. Subject: Language Action Therapy Focus: Adult, adolescent, paediatric, school-aged, nuerological Contact to order: tellablegame@ yahoo.com Organisation: TELLABLE Address: Angela Cream and Deborah West,17 Reverie Mews, Halls Head WA 6210 Australia e: tellablegame@yahoo.com w: www.tellable.net Lynn Rodgers
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