Speech Pathology Australia Resource Guide 2016
resource guide 20 16 speech pathology Products and services for speech pathologists
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resource guide 20 16 speech pathology
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National Conference Perth
From the President
Reading Doctor Software AGOSCI Access Easy English Clear Speak Continuing Professional Education in Stuttering Language, Speech and Precise Products
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Literacy Services Liberator Pty Ltd Ask A Speechie
Articulation Survey – RCH Dept. Education and Child Dev SA
Sound Waves ELR Software
Disclaimer To the best of The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited’s (‘the Association’) knowledge, this information is valid at the time of publication.The Association makes no warranty or representation in relation to the content or accuracy of the material in this publication. The Association expressly disclaims any and all liability (including liability for negligence) in respect of use of the information provided. The Association recommends you seek independent professional advice prior to making any decision involving matters outlined in this publication.
TELLABLE Language Action Game Lynn Rodgers Build-a-Sentence ELR Dept. Family and Community Services NSW Extra Language Resources Word Meanings ELR Software Babychatter Speech Pathology Resources Palliative Care Education and Training Therapy Matters Language and Learning Steps TheraBee Programs Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Speechbite Sensory Tools
© 2016 The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited
Speech Pathology Australia Level 1/ 114 William Street Melbourne Melbourne Victoria 3000 T 1300 368 835 F +61 3 9642 4922 office@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Double F – Speechmark Quirky Kid Pigeon Products Nestle Health Science
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resource guide 20 16 speech pathology
Your Association... Speech Pathology Australia is the national peak body for the speech pathology profession in Australia. Speech pathologists are university trained allied health professionals with expertise in the assessment and treatment of communication and/or swallowing difficulties. There is currently 6900+ SPA members and the Association is made up of a team of dedicated industry professionals with a range of skills to assist you in your everyday practice. If you are not a member, consider the benefits when you visit the SPA website. www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au Language and Learning Steps Educational Therapy Programs Action Word App “Key Verbs with Steffy & James” TM on ipad & iphone Introduces actions in single word present tense commands and descriptions, then past tense descriptions, with pronouns and both regular and irregular verbs. Teach and test. “Key Word Kids” TM on ipad Uses information and carrying words, and is based on the Derbyshire Language Scheme (Masidlover,1982) Use both Australian apps to: • support all language learners (1-7+ yrs) • Teach in context-5 scenes/Neutral Accent • Reward with Mini games/adaptable settings Sue Park Speech Pathologist Janet Eales Guid.Counsellor/Spec.Educator/Play Therapist info@languageandlearningsteps.com.au www.languageandlearningsteps.com.au
The program for Speech Pathology Australia’s annual conference has been finalised. This year’s program is feature packed with plenty to inspire all speech pathologists. The conference will be held in Perth and the full conference brochure will be available online from 8 February 2016. Registrations will be available from February with the early bird rate due to close on 13 April. The keynote speakers include Dr Susan Ebbels and Emeritus Professor Pamela (Pam) Enderby. The Elizabeth Usher Memorial Lecture will be conducted by Winthrop Professor Andrew Whitehouse. To register visit the SPA website and follow the links to the registration page. www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
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From the president... Gaenor Dixon Welcome to the Resource Guide for 2016. This guide gives you a comprehensive listing of where to go to buy resources for your work. Whether you are looking for a commonly used assessment tool, or a specific tool that may be used only occasionally, this guide is a great place to start your search. I hope that you find this member benefit useful. It’s another way your Association supports you in your professional life!
resource guide 20 16 speech pathology
Reading Doctor Software Fun, effective, scientifically based computer and ipad games for children, designed to strengthen phonological awareness, phonemic awareness and other crucial literacy skills. Australian made. Subject : Literacy, reading, spelling, phonological awareness Target Group: Children with literacy difficulties, children learning to read Focus: Paediatric, School-aged Contact to order: Dr Bartek Rajkowski Organisation: Reading Doctor Address: PO Box 52, Blackwood, SA 5051 Phone: 1300 66 99 40 e: enquiry@readingdoctor.com.au w: www.readingdoctor.com.au Access Easy English Development and/or training in Easy English. Low tech solutions for people with complex communication needs. Intervention and training and support for people to support the person in there own environment. Subject: Community inclusion and participation Target Group: Adult, adolescent, paediatric, school-aged, neurological, elderly. Focus: For people with complex communication needs. Contact to order: Cathy Basterfield Organisation: Access Easy English Address: P.O. BOX 3052, Mentone East Australia Wide Phone: 0466 579 855 e : cathy@accesseasyenglish.com.au w : www.accesseasyenglish.com.au
AGOSCI Australia’s national support organisation for people who have or work in complex communication needs. Includes magazine, conferences, workshops, and social media. Target Group: Speech pathologists, teachers, allied health, and families/ people with complex communication needs. Contact to order: The secretary Organisation: AGOSCI Address: PO Box 211 The Gap QLD 4061 Phone: 1800 002 950 e: agoscisecretary@agosci.org.au w : www.agosci.org.au ClearSpeak Pty Ltd Book (with DVD) of innovative and in- depth training techniques for accent modification and articulatory errors. Assess and train error sounds simply and quickly. Subject: ‘Perfect Pronunciation’ (2nd ed) with DVD by Alison Kimble-Fry and the ClearSpeak Adult Pronunciation Test Target group: ESL, accent/ pronunciation change, articulation, hearing impaired speech Focus : Adult, other (techniques can be adapted for children) Contact to order: Alison Kimble Organisation: ClearSpeak Pty Ltd Address: 20 Prince George Parade,
Hunters Hill, NSW 2110 Phone: 02 9816 4432
e : alison@clearspeak.com.au w : www.clearspeak.com.au
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resource guide 20 16 speech pathology
Phonological awareness and early literacy assessments: SPAT-R, SEAPART, AIST-2. Other resources updated on website during 2016 Subject: Language and Literacy Target Group: Speech pathologists, educational professionals Focus: Adolescent, paediatric Contact to order: Roslyn Neilson Organisation: Language, Speech and Literacy Services Address: PO Box 72, Jamberoo, NSW 2533 Phone: 0421822898 e : roslyn@roslynneilson.com.au w : www.roslynneilson.com.au Language, Speech and Literacy Services Ask A Speechie Fun activities, stories and games targeting language skills. For more information visit our website or ‘like’ us on Facebook. Subject: Vocabulary development: naming, functions, associations, describing, grouping, same and different, and pre-literacy skills. Target Group: Group work or individual work with SLP’s, early childhood teachers, day care teachers. Focus: Pre-kindergarten to year 1, low level year 2 students Contact to order: Natalie Harlond Organisation: Ask a Speechie Address: 154B Ardross Street Mount Pleasant WA 6153 Phone: 0418 915 014
Continuing Professional Education in Stuttering CPES provides professional education in stuttering for speech pathologists. Events include workshops, clinic observation days and teleconferences. Subject: Professional education for speech pathologists Target Group: Speech pathologists Focus: Adult, adolescent, paediatric, school-aged Contact to order: Ms Jane Kelly Organisation: Australian Stuttering Research Centre Address: The University of Sydney, PO Box 170, Lidcombe, NSW 1825 Phone: 02 9351 9380 e: cpes@sydney.edu.au w: http://sydney.edu.au/health- sciences/asrc/continuing_education/ index.shtml Liberator Pty Ltd Liberator provides products, training and support for communication, specialising in speech generating devices. Our experienced consultants provide on-site and remote support. Subject: AAC & Assistive Technology Target Group: People with complex communication needs Focus: Adult, adolescent, paediatric, school-aged, neurological Contact to order: Nigel Duckett Organisation: Liberator Pty Ltd Address: 471 The Parade, Magill, SA 5072 Phone: 08 8431 5478
e: mail@askaspeechie.com.au w: www.askaspeechie.com.au
e: info@liberator.net.au w: www.liberator.net.au
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Proven spelling and reading program for explicit teaching of phonemic approach. Workbooks, online and teaching resources available. Download the free trial. Subject: Phonemic approach to spelling and reading Target Group: Foundation to year 6 primary school students Contact to order: Paul McCallum Organisation: Firefly Education Address: PO Box 634, Buderim, Qld 4556 Phone: 0459 028 036 e : paul@fireflyeducation.com.au w : www.soundwavesspelling.com.au Sound Waves
Articulation Survey - RCH
The Royal Children’s Hospital Articulation Survey – screening tool for children’s speech development.
Subject: Speech assessment Target Group: Adolescent Focus: Adolescent
Contact to order: Fay Paskilidis Organisation: The Royal Children’s Hospital Address: 50 Flemington Rd, Parkville, Melbourne Phone: 03 9345 9300
e : speech.path@rch.org.au w : www.rch.org.au/speech
Dept. Education and Child Dev SA
Australian assessment and intervention materials. Interactive self-study package on using news telling in the classroom to enhance literate language, with workshop to present to teachers. See flyers on website. Subject: Oral narrative, phonological awareness (4-0 to 5-11 years), language skills in Aboriginal children, sequencing, levels of questioning, oral to literate language. Target Group: Speech pathologists, teachers of preschool and school aged children Focus: Paediatric, school-aged Contact to order: Angelique Marcus Organisation: Department for Education and Child Development, SA Address: Special Education Resource Unit, 72A Marlborough Street, Henley Beach, SA, 5022 Phone: 08 8235 2871 e: admin@seru.sa.edu.au w: http://web.seru.sa.edu.au/ Publications.htm
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Dept. Family and Community Services NSW Build-a-Sentence ELR Software A computer program to strengthen labelling of nouns, verbs and objects and production of two and three part sentences. Subject: Early sentence production. Target Group: Speech pathologists, teachers and parents Focus: Paediatric Contact to order: Toni Seiler Organisation: ELR Software Pty Ltd Address: PO Box 1456, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 Phone: (03) 5156 8309 Core standards comprise the recommended knowledge practitioners need to support people with disability. These programs help practitioners to translate knowledge to practice. Subject: Core Standard Practice Guides and appraisals for practitioners who support people with disability. Target Group: Speech pathologists working with people with disability Focus: Disability Contact to order: Free downloads from website, or Felicity Burke, Practice Leader Speech Pathology, Dept. of Family and Community Services NSW. Organisation: Dept. of Family and Community Services NSW Address: Level 3, 93, George Street Parramatta Phone: 02 94077 1573 e: felicity.burke@facs.nsw.gov.au w: https://www.adhc.nsw.gov.au e : info@elr.com.au w : www.elr.com.au
TELLABLE Language Action Game
Pictures covering all sounds in all word positions for use in articulation therapy. (Lynn Rodgers: Articulation therapy Aids (Book 1). Lynn Rodgers: Consonant Blends, Vowels and Dipthongs (Book 2). Available in book or cd-rom format. Subject: Articulation Target Group: Speech pathologists, parents and teachers working with children. Focus: Paediatric, school-aged Contact to order: Lynn Rodgers Address: 18A Old Sackville Road, Wilberforce, 2756, NSW Phone : 02 4575 1335 e: lynn@jerahtech.com.au w: www.ros.com.au/~crodgers/artic A motivating game of verbal interaction that extends language use. This resource is ideal for Constraint Induced Language Therapy. Subject: Language Action Therapy Focus: Adult, adolescent, paediatric, school-aged, nuerological Contact to order: tellablegame@ yahoo.com Organisation: TELLABLE Address: Angela Cream and Deborah West,17 Reverie Mews, Halls Head WA 6210 Australia e: tellablegame@yahoo.com w: www.tellable.net Lynn Rodgers
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speechBITE – Answering the need for better access to evidence
free resource
Have you been looking for treatment research but don’t know where to start? Most speech pathologists (SPs) don’t have time to spend hours searching different databases to find published research. Evaluating the scientific quality of research can be another hurdle for clinicians who are looking for the best evidence to improve client outcomes. speechBITE is a searchable database providing access and appraisal of intervention research in SLP. There are over 4000 research articles which we have found for you by searching multiple online databases (eg Medline, PsycINFO). We
only list treatment research relevant to SPs and the database is updated monthly, so you can be sure you have access to the LATEST PRE-APPRAISED EVIDENCE. • Search for articles • Obtain ratings of methodological design • Learn how to critically appraise methods • Stay informed with regular updates • Connect with us @speechBITE or www.facebook.com/speechB
resource guide 20 16 speech pathology
Word Meanings ELR Software
Extra Language Resources
A computer program and iPad App designed to strengthen semantic processing, based on Building Language: Word Meanings by Robyn Dower and Jan Mackey. Subject: Semantic therapy Target Group: Speech pathologists and clients with acquired brain injury Focus: Adult Contact to order: Toni Seiler Organisation: ELR Software Pty Ltd Address: PO Box 1456, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 Phone: (03) 5156 8309 Speech Pathology Resources develop interactive Australian apps for parents, therapists and educators to help children learn. Our app Katie’s Missing Laugh is a tool to help children practice and identify the ‘k’ sound in an engaging interactive storybook activity. Subject: Speech and language apps Target Group: Resources for parents, therapists and educators Focus: Paediatric, school aged Contact to order: iTunes App Store Organisation: Speech Pathology Resources Address: Hamilton NSW 2292 e: shae@speechpathologyresources. com.au w: speechpathologyresources.com.au Speech Pathology Resources e: info@elr.com.au w: www.elr.com.au
Over 12,500 computer/web/iPad activities (and always growing) to encourage spontaneous, interactive sessions with free home practice for families. Subject: Phonology, phonological awareness, semantics, sentence processing, literacy and oral narrative. Target Group: Speech pathologists, teachers and parents Focus: Adult, adolescent, paediatric, school-aged, neurological Contact to order: Toni Seiler Organisation: ELR Software Pty Ltd Address: PO Box 1456, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875 Phone: (03) 5156 8309 Babychatter Lots of speech and language resources for free download including articulation and vocabulary. Australian vocabulary. EBooks for parents. Subject: Early speech and language development Target Group: Therapists and parents with children 0-4 yrs Focus: Paediatric Contact to order: Lyn Goodwin e: info@elr.com.au w: www.elr.com.au
Organisation: Babychatter Address: 1 / 55 Hampden Rd,
Nedlands, WA 6009 Phone : 0431 907 965
e: lyngoodwin@btinternet.com w: www.babychatter.com.au
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resource guide 20 16 speech pathology
Therapy Matters
Educational Therapy Programs Subject: Therapy Apps Target Group: Focus: Paediatric, school-aged, neurological. Language disorder/dyspraxia Contact to order: itunes app store Organisation: Language and Learning Steps Phone: 0409268919 e: susanepark@optusnet.com.au w: www.languageandlearningsteps. com.au See more on page 9 Language and Learning Steps Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Educational videos / vodcasts for patients and their family or carers related to the management of feeding tubes, swallowing impairments and laryngectomees. Subject: Patient Education Vodcasts Target Group: All relevant patient / carers / clinicians dealing with feeding tubes, dysphagic patients requiring thickened fluids or laryngectomees. Focus: Adult Contact to order: available freely online via eviQ Organisation: Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Address: Speech Pathology Dept. 2 St Andrews Place East Melbourne Vic 3002 (Moving to new site in Parkville in June 2016) Phone: 03 9656 1137 e: rhys.hughes@petermac.org w: www.eviq.org.au Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Interactive hands-on tools such as Braidy, Story Braid puppet by MindWing Concepts and visualising and verbalising program materials from Lindamood-Bell. Subject: Intervention and workshops for oral language, narratives and literacy difficulties Target Group: School-aged children, speech pathologists and teachers Focus: Adolescent, paediatric, school- aged Contact to order: Tania Teitzel Organisation: Therapy Matters Address: Suite 4, 43 Tallebudgera Creek Rd, West Burleigh, Qld 4219 Phone: 07 55207860 e: shop@therapymatters.com.au w: www.therapymatters.com.au Reproducible speech and language programs for parents, teachers and therapists. Useful for pre-school through to school-aged clients. Time saving and relevant for Australian clients. Subject: Speech, language and literacy programs Target group: Speech delay, language impairment and literacy difficulties Focus: Adolescent, paediatric, school- aged Contact to order: Melissa Haynes Organisation: TheraBee Programs Address: PO Box 361, Penrith, NSW 2751 Phone: 02 4736 8151 Fax: 02 4736 8171 e: info@therabee.com w: www.therabee.com.au TheraBee Programs
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