Speech Pathology Australia Annual Report 2023

Research and evidence-based practice

Research and publications SPA's contributions to the field were highlighted through peer-reviewed conference papers and journal articles. Noteworthy presentations included discussions on new accreditation standards and curriculum design. Additionally, several journal articles addressed evidence-based practice and workforce diversity. Documents and certification In 2023, SPA introduced new position statements, including commitments to combat racism, anti-racism and international telepractice in speech pathology. New and revised practice guidelines included a revised Laryngectomy, dysphagia,Videofluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS), stuttering, working in a culturally and linguistically diverse society and augmentative and alternative communication/complex communication needs and a new Nasendoscopy practice principles document. Certification standards were revised, with audits ongoing. A focus on cultural responsiveness was evident with the launch of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culturally Responsive Capability Framework. Research grants and partnerships The Association supported new research initiatives focusing on classroom interventions, mental health experiences, and social media use among individuals with language difficulties. Speech Pathology Australia's commitment to accreditation, research, and professional development underscores our dedication to excellence and innovation in speech pathology education and practice.

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