Speech Pathology Australia Annual Report 2023
Cultural responsiveness
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander committee
IALP poster The Association's reconciliation journey was outlined in a poster presentation at the 2023 IALP conference.
Speech pathologists, and Speech Pathology Australia have recognised that as a profession we have not always sought to listen carefully and truly understand the worldviews of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. SPA recognises the negative actions and lack of action and commit to redressing all forms of racism in our services and profession. In 2017, SPA commenced a formal reconciliation journey. SPA’s reconciliation journey was grounded in the belief that professional Associations have the responsibility to facilitate cultural responsiveness in all aspects of service provision by identifying systemic and structural racism and instigating transformational systemic, organisational and individual level change. To facilitate change SPA has had to uncover some truths regarding the profession’s history and how the systems, structures, policies and practices have reproduced and continued to reproduce whiteness and to develop and implement an anti-racist stance. Throughout 2023 we took further steps toward reconciliation with the release of the Anti-Racism Position Statement and Commitment to Combatting Racism . To support members’ cultural learning the Association released the IAHA Training modules also made available to Association staff via the new Learning Hub. Cultural learning and CPD Cultural learning that supports cultural responsiveness and culturally safe practice with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Communities was introduced in 2023 as part of the minimum CPD requirements. Voice to Parliament In recognition of the historical and on going injustices faced by First Nations people and the urgent need for reconciliation, equity and partnership the Association outlined a statement on the Voice to Parliament. The Association affirmed its support of the Uluru Statement of the Heart and its first reform calling for the constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the way of Voice, Treaty and Truth. Reconciliation Action Plan Throughout 2023 the Reconciliation Action Plan was advanced.
P2.34 Towards a culturally responsive profession: The role of professional associations
Title: Gin-ow-ay Nambur ‘To give, talk’ (Gunnai Language) Artist: Dixon Patten Tribes: Gunnai, Yorta Yorta, Gunditjmara and Yuin This artwork depicts Indigenous and non-Indigenous people coming together, the pathways represent two-way learning and walking in reconciliation. • The circles in the middle represent Speech Pathology Australia and the influence their RAP committee and actions will have on the broader community. • The hands represent our ancestors guiding our journey. • The leaves represent growing together. • The various circles represent the diverse clans, tribes and communities across Australia. • The small circles represent conversations, yarns, language and knowledge being shared.
Key steps in SPA’s reconciliation journey involved looking for opportunities for system level, organisation level and individual level change
Acknowledgment of Country The authors acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of lands, seas and waters throughout Australia, and pay respect to Elders past and present. They recognise that the health and social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are grounded in continued connection to Culture, Country, Language, and Community, and acknowledge that Sovereignty was never ceded. Australia’s First Peoples and Reconciliation Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are the Sovereign Peoples of Australia. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Australia’s colonial history is characterised by devastating land dispossession, violence, and racism. Despite showing significant strength and resilience in the face of colonial injustices Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples continue to be affected by entrenched systemic racism. Reconciliation in Australia has, over many decades, made an important contribution towards reconciling past and current injustices and strengthening the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and non-Indigenous Australians. Today, Reconciliation Australia, formed in 2001, is the lead body for reconciliation in Australia. Reconciliation Australia’s vision is for a just, equitable and reconciled Australia. Reconciliation Australia’s vision for reconciliation is based and measured on five dimensions: historical acceptance; race relations; equality and equity; and institutional integrity and unity. Since 2006, Reconciliation Australia has provided organisations with a structured approach to advance reconciliation through the development of Reconciliation Action Plans. Fundamental to SPA’s reconciliation journey was developing and implementing an anti-racist stance. SPA recognised that an anti-racist stance needs to: • ensure reflection, not just awareness • involve action, not just words • be a conscious choice to: ᴏ transform individual biases ᴏ transform interpersonal relations ᴏ transform the Association – at system, organisational and individual levels.
SPA’s Reconciliation Journey To Date Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) is the national peak body for speech pathologists in Australia. As of June 2023, the Association represents more than 14,000 speech pathologists nationally, including 94 speech pathologists and students who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. Speech pathologists, and SPA have recognised that as a profession we have not always sought to listen carefully and truly understand the worldviews of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. SPA recognises the negative actions and lack of action, and commit to redressing all forms of racism in our services and profession. In 2017, SPA commenced a formal reconciliation journey. SPA’s reconciliation journey was grounded in the belief that professional associations have the responsibility to facilitate cultural responsiveness in all aspects of service provision by identifying systemic and structural racism and instigating transformational systemic, organisational and individual level change. To facilitate change SPA has had to uncover some truths regarding the profession’s history and how the systems, structures, policies and practices have reproduced and continued to reproduce whiteness and to develop and implement an anti-racist stance. The aim of this poster is to share the anti-racist stance implemented by SPA in collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to facilitate cultural responsiveness to effect transformational changed across the speech pathology profession in Australia. This poster outlines key steps and initiatives focused on facilitating culturally safe and responsive speech pathology services, with implications and learnings for other associations, policy and practice in allied health.
• SPA formed an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Curriculum Committee. 2015
• Launch of the Commonwealth Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Curriculum Framework. • In 2016 SPA commissioned a landmark report Speech Pathology 2030: making futures happen ( SP 2030 project) . Some consumers, members and stakeholders contributing to the SP 2030 project highlighted concerns about racism. After the publication of the SP 2030 report, SPA chose to confront truths about the history of the speech pathology profession and how systems, structures, policies and practices have reinforced the profession as one informed by white colonial practices and racism.
• Australian government
initiative to embed cultural competency curricula into vocational and tertiary education for health professionals (Health Workforce Australia, 2011).
• Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee established. • Reconciliation Working Group formed. • Dedicated Board of Directors position for an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander speech pathologist established. • Support for The Uluru Statement from the Heart announced.
“I believe racism is a community issue which we all need to address, and that’s why racism stops with me” – Adam Goodes, Australian of the Year 2014 Acceptance Speech.
• Reconciliation Action Plan – Reflect published. • Formal Apology delivered to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Communities.
• SPA’s commitment to cultural safety and responsiveness embedded in key documents: ᴏ Strategic Plan 2020–2023 ᴏ Professional Standards for speech pathologists in Australia ᴏ Code of Ethics.
Next steps
Speech Pathology Australia recognises that reconciliation is a work in progress, a work which is the responsibility of all members and staff. SPA recognises the intergenerational impacts of historical and current wrongs and have undertaken to redress the negative impact of past actions and inactions. At its heart, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians. SPA makes a commitment to work in culturally responsive ways, valuing the strengths, knowledges and languages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. This commitment to reconciliation and cultural responsiveness is embedded in all Association activities and future directions.
• Cultural learning mandated as part of continuing professional development requirements for SPA’s Certification Program. • Free resources made available to members.
Key Learnings • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sovereignty is central to culturally safe and responsive service provision and professions. • Power relations must be altered to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are defining culturally safe and responsive services. • Access to culturally responsive and safe services is everyone’s right. • SLPs have both a responsibility to enact change and to stand with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in enabling self determination and social justice. • Professional associations have a responsibility and a role in identifying and calling out systemic and structural racism and instigating transformational organisational and individual level changes. • Associations need to understand that all staff and members will be at different levels of their understanding and reflection on:
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• SPA’s revised Reconciliation Action Plan – Innovate published.
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• Appointment of Senior Advisor Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy and Practice. • Ongoing Cultural
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sovereignty
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responsiveness education and activities for staff (including understanding Sovereignty, yarning in meetings, and formal education).
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Code of Ethics
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Charter and Mission Govern the practice and ethical standards of speech pathology practice
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ᴏ race and racism ᴏ their own biases ᴏ the history of the profession and association ᴏ the importance of critical reflection.
Certification requirements
C u l t
Professional Standards Knowledge, skills and attributes a speech pathologist must demonstrate
Scope of Practice Speech pathology roles, networks and contemporary practice settings in Australian context
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culturally Responsive Capability Framework (SPA, in press).
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Ethical and evidence based practice
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• Anti-racism position statement and Commitment to combating racism published. • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culturally Responsive Capability Framework developed (SPA, in press).
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Authors: Tara Lewis, Senior Advisor Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy and Practice tlewis@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Stacey Baldac, Manager Professional Standards sbaldac@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au Professional Standards team, Speech Pathology Australia Speech Pathology Australia Level 1/114 William Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia T 1300 368 835 F 03 9642 4922 E office@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
2023 Annual Report | Speech Pathology Australia 15
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