SPA CPDLive National Online events Thank you to all those members who have registered for CPDLive events. We have been gratified by the response, both in terms of registration numbers and feedback (verbal and written). We thought members may like to see some further information about the CPDLive events.
• SPA provides opportunities for professional development to its members via a number of means. Events are offered online as part of the CPD program, with workshops continuing to be offered in Branches and via the National Tour. • Online events can be attended Live or viewed later via the Recording. These events are live webcasts that registrants can view at a PC. After the live presentation, the recording is available ‘on demand’ for a period of time, which is determined by SPA. • This provides opportunities for delivering accessible CPD that is free of real time or location boundaries and for providing CPD on discrete topics and specialised areas, where opening up the event to a national audience increases the likelihood of reaching a ‘critical mass’ of registrants.
• Topics and speakers for online events have been identified through a variety of channels, including Branch feedback, CPD committee planning, member suggestions, and identification of speakers who have presented at the SPA Conferences and CPD events. • The topics have been planned to cover aspects of a wide variety of areas of practice, on current topics that are suitable to an online event of 90 minutes, and are relevant and of interest to a national audience. • Given high demand and continuing interest, the period of time that a recording is available has been extended to 6 months after the live event. • Online events commenced, in conjunction with CPDLive, in 2014 and to date the events that have run have included the four events listed below:
Date of live 90-minute event
Professor Andrew Whitehouse Dr Patricia Eadie Professor Liz Ward Mary Woodward and Natalie Albores
Wed 26 March 2014
What is the DSM-V criteria for autism, and how will it affect clinical practice? Developmental Pathways to Language Competence and Language Disorder: Implications for Speech Pathology Practice Managing Dysphagia via Telepractice: What's the Evidence? The role of Speech Pathology with clients with mental health disorders
Friday 11 April 2014
Wednesday 2 July 2014 Thursday 28 August 2014
Future event planning continues including: • ‘A clinical advantage: The art of accent modification within a speech pathology context’ by Tristan Nickless on Wednesday 19 November 2014, 3.30-5pm – Registrations are now open.
• ‘Fluency – Delivery of services via Telepractice’ for early 2015.
• Sharynne McLeod and Sarah Verdon have agreed to present on ‘Linguistic Features of Cultural Difference’ in February 2015.
Location of registrants • Registrants have been from both metropolitan and regional locations. Additionally and not shown on the map at the time of duplication – there have been NT registrants and overseas registrants.
Geographical locations of registrants for the CPDLive Events ‘What is the DSM-V criteria for autism, and how will it affect clinical practice?’ (left) and ‘Developmental Pathways to Language Competence and Language Disorder: Implications for Speech Pathology Practice’ (right).
Speak Out October 2014
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