SpeakOut_Oct2015_FINAL_lo res

association news

private practice survey

Private Practice Survey Results: 2015 In July, we conducted a survey of members who work in private practice to gather information to support our advocacy efforts in the current reviews and inquiries into primary health care and Medicare. Thank you to the 502 members working in private practice who completed the survey. This is just a snapshot of the information, knowledge and expertise you shared about working in private speech pathology practice in 2015. Ronelle Hutchinson Manager, Policy and Advocacy


Where do we work?

6.7% working in not-for-profit practices/ organisations

NT <1%

QLD 29%

23.5% working in mixed public and private

69.7% working only in private practice

WA 17.3%

SA 9%

NSW 8%

ACT 3%

VIC 33%

Speech pathologists who work in both public and private spent on average 39% of their time in private practice and 61% in public. Most private practitioners work part time (58%) but a significant proportion work full time hours (42%). What is our experience in private practice?

Tas 1%

27% of private practitioners work in regional, rural or remote locations.

What type of services do we provide?


50% of private practitioners are sole practitioners.



Mobile service 11.4%

Clinic only 22.4%



Mix of mobile and clinic service (59.6%)

Other (including tele-practice) (6.6%)



Only 14% of private practitioners provide services through tele-practice and another 29% would like to.

<1 yr 7.5%

1–5 yrs 30%

6–10 yrs 23%

11–15 yrs 13.5%

16–20 yrs 8%

Over 20 yrs 18%


Speak Out October 2015

Speech Pathology Australia

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