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BRANCH news tasmania
Attorney General and Minister of Corrections Vanessa Goodwin spoke about the the importance of supporting literacy of inmate populations. Also pictured are Lisa Stengal, Police Commissioner Darren Hine, Ryk Goddard and Leon Compton.
Speech language pathologists Karen Lucas and Maddy Polegaj promoted SPA and collected book donations at the Salamanca markets in SPWeek.
DarkSPA DarkSPA was a low-key winter catch- up for Tasmanian speech pathologists to connect socially. Two events were held – one in the north and south with about fifteen speechies attending. We hope to hold more similar events in the future. Look out for them and come along as you are able! SPWeek 2015: No Bars on Books project in the Tassie community! Tassie speechies took on a unique project this SPWeek. This year, the Tasmanian Branch of SPA partnered with the Tasmanian community to create and facilitate the No Bars on Books project. The project came out of an existing program, ‘Books on CD’. In this Speech pathologists Emma Hazelwood, Kiara Evison, Megan Turvey, Linda Williams, Rosalie Martin and Nicole Hatch enjoyed a relaxing evening at DarkSPA in July. The Leadlight Room at Hadley’s Orient Hotel in Hobart was the scene for a challenging and engaging forum for members from the Association’s Tasmanian Branch. Meeting in the hotel’s historic setting provided more impetus for everyone present to find solutions to future problems and to prepare the ground work on a plan of action for the next three years. The day’s endeavours were helped by a strong presentation from the former federal Health Minister and Attorney General, Nicola Roxon, whose presentation provided some insightful thoughts and guidance on advocacy, promotion and the role of individuals within professional and workplace settings.
donations of good quality secondhand books, and at the same time raise awareness about the importance of speech pathology, oral language and literacy. The community response? Overwhelmingly generous! The project quickly gained momentum as more community partners became involved. More than 3,500 books were donated. Check out https://www.facebook. com/nobarsonbooks and to find out more about the project. We are so thankful to our community partners including ABC Local Radio Tasmania, 26Ten, LINC Tasmania, Tasmania Prison Service, childcare centres, local schools, local pharmacies, local bookshops, authors and each of the generous individuals who gave time, money and/or books. rewarding day for all involved. The one- day event had with a number of short sessions, including a report to members from the Association’s Chief Executive Officer, Gail Mulcair; and a session on ‘Messaging’ from the Association’s Communication and Marketing Manager, Michael Kerrisk. After lunch members worked in groups to identify what the Association should undertake as its number one priority over the next three years. Initial work was undertaken to map out the audiences and issues that need to be pursued by the Branch and its membership as part of an overall campaign of engagement with the public. Do you have an idea for a project for 2016? We'd love to hear from you!
program, parents in prison audio record a reading of a children’s book. Then the book and CD recording are loaned/ given to the child who can ‘read along’ at home, listening to their own parent’s voice. The program is facilitated by the Tasmanian Prison Service and LINC Tasmania Library Service. The supply of books was diminishing, so the ‘No Bars on Books’ project was created. The ‘No Bars on Books’ project idea was simple: ask the community for Ryk Goddard (local radio personality) counted the books at the No Bars On Books finale.
All power to the members
Former federal Health Minister and Attorney General, Nicola Roxon, addressing the Tasmanian Branch members’ forum.
The forum followed feedback from members in Tasmania about wanting to see more Branch activity to raise the profile of the profession. The day got underway with a short presentation and video from Branch Chair, Rosalie Martin; which set the scene for a productive and
Speak Out October 2015
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