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research UPDATE
Further funding obtained for national simulation randomised controlled trial
The “Embedding Simulation in Clinical Training in Speech Pathology” project began in 2014 (see the December 2014 issue of Speak Out ). Phase 1 of the project was led by a group representing five Australian universities. The project aim was to develop the design of a randomised controlled trial methodology and framework for simulation interventions appropriate for facilitating speech pathology students' competency in adult clinical practice (including acute, rehabilitation and aged care). Speech Pathology Australia was successful in gaining further funding from the Department of Health (Commonwealth) to implement this large multisite project. The “Embedding Simulation in Clinical Training in Speech Pathology” Phase 2 project is being led on behalf of Speech Pathology Australia by a Leadership Team from seven Australian universities. Members of the project team are:
Students working in a simulated clinical environment.
mid-stage adult clinical placement, will participate in either a simulation clinic plus ‘traditional’ clinical placement or a ‘traditional’ clinical placement without the simulation clinic. The simulation clinic component will involve students undertaking five full-time days of simulation in adult-focused practice, using a range of simulation models and approaches. Once students have completed the simulation clinic, they will then enter their ‘traditional’ adult clinical placement for the remainder of their placement time. Students who consent to participate in the research will complete a range of pre- and post- placement measures to investigate the project aims. Watch this space for further project updates! If you would like further information about this project, please contact Dr Anne Hill at ae.hill@uq.edu.au
• A/Prof Sue McAllister, Flinders University • Ms Stacey Baldac,
• Dr Anne Hill, The University of Queensland (Project Leader) • Prof Liz Ward, The University of Queensland • A/Prof Bronwyn Davidson, The University of Melbourne • Dr Kate Bridgman, The University of Melbourne • A/Prof Tricia McCabe, The University of Sydney • Dr Alison Purcell, The University of Sydney • Dr Robert Heard, The University of Sydney • Dr Sally Hewat, The University of Newcastle • Ms Joanne Walters, The University of Newcastle • A/Prof Elizabeth Cardell, Griffith University • Ms Simone Howells, Griffith University • Ms Rachel Davenport, La Trobe University
Speech Pathology Australia • Mrs Adriana Penman (0.5FTE); and • Ms Aynslee Davidson (0.5FTE), project officers. The overall aim of this project is to determine if students in accredited speech pathology programs achieve a comparable level of competency in placements when an average of 20% of the placement time is replaced with simulated learning activities compared to traditional clinical placements. Large scale studies of physiotherapy students in Australia and nursing students in the US have indicated that simulation can replace a proportion of traditional placement time without loss of competency. The current speech pathology study aims to build on this evidence base. Throughout 2016 and 2017, students across six speech pathology university programs in Australia undertaking a
Simone Howells on behalf of the “Embedding Simulation in Clinical Training in Speech Pathology” project team
Speak Out October 2015
Speech Pathology Australia
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