
spotlight on professional support

NEW – Supervision page on website We are pleased to announce a new webpage has been added to the Speech Pathology Australia website

that is dedicated to Supervision. In response to increasing levels of

enquiries to National Office regarding supervision, a number of resources have been developed or sourced to support members to both provide and source supervision of clinical practice. We are working on a number of other resources with regard to supervision and will provide you with updates as new resources are added to the page. The Supervision page can be accessed via Information for Members > Supervision . Resources on this page include: • Position statement – The role and value of professional support • Speech Pathology Australia Supervision Standards • Forms to be listed on the Supervision Register as an external supervisor

• Links to other supervision resources

For queries, feedback or suggestions with regard to professional support, please email Meredith Prain – psa@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au .

We are always open to feedback and suggestions on other resources which would assist you in your provision or uptake of professional support, be it mentoring, supervision or peer support.

Meredith prain Professional Support Advisor

Advertise with us SPA ’ s bi-monthly members ’ magazine Speak Out is distributed to 6,000+ Australian and international speech pathologists. For more information about advertising opportunities in 2015 please contact SPA's Publications Officer at pubs@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Speak Out June 2015



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