Where are we?
Remoteness Major cities 76.6%
Inner Regional Areas 15.9% Outer Regional Areas 6.5% Remote 1.0%
NT 0.7%
QLD 22.3%
Where do we come from?
WA 10.7%
SA 7.4%
NSW 29.4%
Australia 82.9%
ACT 0.9%
UK 4.8%
(0.21% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)
VIC 26.7%
Northern America 1.5%
Southern and East Africa 3.2%
Tas 1.9%
Other 6.0%
Where do we work?
Who are we?
Public & private practice 10.8%
Age Average age of practicing speech pathologists 37 years old
Public practice only 36.6%
Private practice only 52.6%
Average hours worked in a week for male SPs 37.0
Average hours worked in a week for female SPs 30.2
We are seeing a shift in where speech pathologists work towards an increasingly large private sector.
A typical Australian speech pathologist is: • female • working part time (about four days a week) • in her late 30s • Bachelor’s degree educated • living and working in a major city area • Australian born • working in private practice.
Speak Out February 2015
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