The Hanen Centre offers world-renowned training to speech pathologists who work with young children. Depending on your area of focus, we have a training that will equip you with a practical, evidence-based framework for involving parents or educators to achieve the best possible language outcome for every child you see. Helping you help children communicate
Language Delay
Language & Literacy
It Takes Two to Talk® Entry-level Workshop Learn to facilitate parent- implemented early language intervention for children with expressive and/or receptive language delays through explicit teaching, coaching and scaffolding.
More Than Words® Entry-level Workshop Learn how to involve parents of children with autism in early language intervention that fulfills
Learning Language and Loving It™ Entry-level Workshop Learn how to provide outstanding in-service education that gives child care providers and preschool teachers the skills to facilitate children’s social, language and literacy development.
19.5 CPD hours
21.5 CPD hours
20 CPD hours
the key criteria for effective services for children on the autism spectrum.
Sydney, NSW ........... Feb 18-20, 2014 Brisbane, QLD ........ Mar 19-21, 2014 Melbourne, VIC ..................... TBA, 2014
Brisbane, QLD ........... Apr 9-11, 2014 Melbourne, VIC .... Apr 28-30, 2014 Perth, WA ........................ May 7-9, 2014
Melbourne, VIC ........ May 14-16, 2014 San Francisco, USA .... May 23-25, 2014 London, UK ........................ July 1-3, 2014
Register soon – space limited to 14 SPs! www.hanen.org/SPworkshops
Advertise with us SPA ’ s bi-monthly members ’ magazine Speak Out is distributed to 6,000+ Australian and international speech pathologists. For more information about advertising opportunities in 2014 please contact Publications Officer at pubs@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Looking for work? Advertising a speech
Child Language Research Conference: Discoveries and New Directions The Centre of Research Excellence in Child Language, MCRI 22 – 23 May 2014, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne Keynote speaker : Professor Cate Taylor, Telethon Institute for Child Health Research With Presentations by : Professors James Law, Jan Nicholson, Sheena Reilly, Melissa Wake, and others The program reflects the Centre’s seven themes, from language development pathways, risk factors & comorbidities, to intervention, cost analysis, and translational research. Highlights: • A hypothetical debate, A convenient label for whom? Taking the specific out of language impairment. • A panel discussion, Research to policy to practice . Early bird registration open: 1st February 2014 Please visit our website (below) for further details or email louise.wardrop@mcri.edu.au www.mcri.edu.au/childlanguageresearchconference
pathologist job? Remember to check our
‘ Education and Careers ’ section of the website, available from the homepage menu. For further information about the Job Board please contact National Office on 1300 368 835 .
Speak Out February 2014
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