Speech pathologists in Ho Ho Hobart! EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Speech Pathologists in Hobart once again immersed themselves in the festive spirit and flew the Speech Pathology Australia flag in the Hobart Christmas Pageant 2013. Our theme this year was “Santa’s Super Speechies” because we think helping children communicate is a pretty special superpower to have! We were also joined by a number of our children and friends who did an excellent job as our trusty “sidekicks”. This event is a lovely way to get out into the community and share the speech pathology message. We were lucky enough to receive an award for runner up “Best Business/ Organisation” so that added to our excitement. A big thank you to all the wonderful “Super Speechies” and “Sidekicks” who made the day such a success. LINDA WILLIAMS Speech Language Pathologist
Speech Pathology Australia represented at the Hobart Christmas Pageant with the help of some trusty sidekicks!
WELCOME VICTORIAN MEMBERS to what looks to be a very exciting 2014! This year will prove a big year for us with the state elections to be held in mid-November. This is an opportunity for the entire Branch to ensure the profession, and the clients we work with, have a voice at this important time. We will be keeping you up-to-date in the early part of the year with ways you can be involved. The Branch has planned many events across the year which we will keep you informed here and via the Victorian Branch e-News . The first such event is a welcome event to be held on Friday 28 February at The Kent Hotel (370 Rathdowne St, Carlton North). This will be an opportunity for us to discuss the changes to the Branch structure to be implemented in 2014 and beyond. One of the Branch’s primary goals for the year is to achieve more widespread member involvement. Volunteers are always welcome to join the Branch as part of a Portfolio or to assist with Branch projects. This year we will be proposing a number of short-term branch-level projects in which members can be involved. These projects are across various different portfolios so there is likely to be something to interest you. It would be great to see you all there! Welcome Message from the Victorian Branch Executive
Writing Road to Reading 1 Teacher Training Course Gain the skills to teach writing, spelling and reading to primary school students.
July and January Sydney and Melbourne January and July Sydney and elbourne
Contact Susan Byrne 02 9412 1966 spaldingaust@optusnet.com.au
Remember our Branch contact details are: Speech Pathology Australia – Victorian Branch Level 2/11–19 Bank Place, Melbourne VIC 3000 Ph: 1300 368 835 Fax: 61 3 9642 4922 Email: vic.secretary@gmail.com
CHARMAINE TU Vice President
Speak Out February 2014
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