From the President
Welcome to the August edition of Speak Out . Once again we report on significant activity and achievements within the profession and the Association.
The Senate Inquiry hearings have now concluded and a summary of the presentations to the Inquiry, site visits, and comments from participants are reported in this Speak Out . I would like to commend all members of the profession who contributed to this Inquiry for their professionalism, excellent presentations, and unwavering dedication to ensuring that the plight of people with communication and swallowing disorders was heard. The profession was highlighted at its best! Special thanks, however, must go to those people with communication and swallowing disorders who willingly contributed to this process by telling their stories. We eagerly await the delivery of the Senate Inquiry report in early September. This issue of Speak Out precedes Speech Pathology Week (24–30 August) during which time we showcase the profession. I know that all Branches and members of the profession are actively engaged in preparing for this event which will be based on the Nation for Communication theme as part of the ICP2014 project. There are many suggestions and ideas for activities relating to the campaign. I encourage you all to consider involvement in at least one activity to ensure that we achieve maximum effect within the community. Look for your ICP2014 badge in your August mailout. Speech Pathology recently as part of the Nation for Communication campaign, where children and parents had the opportunity to experience non-verbal communication and the difficulties encountered in communicating their needs via this modality. This was certainly an activity with impact. An array of photos from the 2014 National Conference in Melbourne and detailed information about our Award winners for this year are presented in this issue. I am sure that you will be impressed by these awardees. We also introduce Professor Nickola Nelson and Professor Jay Make sure you read about the successful HUSH! event staged by Western Sydney
Rosenbek as the keynote speakers for the 2015 National Conference – C hallenge, B roaden, R evolutionise . Associate Professor Pamela Snow has been invited to present the Elizabeth Usher Memorial Lecture and accept the Award at the 2015 Conference. Now is the time to start considering paper submissions and planning to attend this conference. The 2014 Book of the Year shortlist is also announced in this Speak Out . These books are now with the judging panel and the results will be announced at an awards ceremony in October. Review these books and see if you can pick the winner of each section! We bid farewell to Alison Henty, Tasmanian Branch President, who has dedicated 47 years of her life to the profession. During this time, Alison has made a significant contribution to the profession through her clinical practice and through her roles as a Board member, CPD leader, and Conference convenor. Best wishes for your retirement, Alison! Congratulations to Professor Linda Worrall (2014 Elinor Wray Award winner) who has been awarded the prestigious Robin Tavistock Prize for an individual who is inspirational, and has made a significant contribution to the field of aphasia. Well deserved, Linda! The awards keep on coming. Claire Bolton, a UQ graduate who now practises in the UK, has been awarded a prestigious Churchill Medallion after completing her Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship. Congratulations, Claire! At National Office, we are delighted to welcome Michael Kerrisk to the position of Communications and Marketing Manager. Michael has had extensive experience in these areas and we encourage all members to contact him for assistance in relation to ICP2014, Speech Pathology Week, and any other media opportunities that might arise.
Enjoy this issue!
Deborah Theodoros National President
Speak Out August 2014
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