2014 AGM overview and awards
2014 Annual General Meeting and SPA Awards
Speech Pathology Australia’s 61st Annual General Meeting was held in Melbourne, as part of the recent National Conference, connections: client.clinician.context . Approximately 100 members and guests attended. The Board reported on the Association’s major achievements and activities in 2013, as detailed in the Annual Report, which had previously been circulated to members. Speech Pathology Australia’s financial position was also outlined, confirming that the Association’s financial reserves remain strong with a further profit achieved in 2013. The consolidation of funds allows the Association to continue to build on its key services to members, as well as direct specific funds to strategic imperatives highlighted within the 2014–2016 Strategic Plan. As always, an exciting part of the AGM was the announcement of the Association’s Awards, an opportunity to recognise the skills, expertise and dedication of a number of well-deserving members. Details of the award recipients are highlighted in the following section. Board of Directors for 2014–2015
2014 Member Awards The Board of Directors was extremely proud to present awards in the following categories at the 2014 Annual General Meeting. The Board’s appreciation goes to the many people who took the time to research and prepare the nominations that assist the Association in recognising some of our outstanding colleagues. Service to the Association The Service to the Association award is granted by the Association to members in recognition of ongoing, valuable and voluntary service to the Association at either a National or Branch level. The Board was pleased to recognise Petrea Cornwell as an outstanding recipient of this award. As the Practice, Workplace and Government portfolio lead, Petrea coordinated and delivered state-based lobbying campaigns during state elections, holding key meetings with representatives of ministers, opposition members and government committees. Petrea has always encouraged and mentored members of the Branch to be involved in Branch activities and actively contribute to the profession. She has been engaged with all facets of the profession in Queensland, enabling a number of new initiatives. Petrea invested a significant amount of time in the campaign to retain registration of speech pathologists in Queensland. She provided able support to both the former registration board and Speech Pathology Australia through this process and represented the profession at the Health and Community Services Committee inquiry. Petrea continues to provide leadership on the transition of residual funding from state-based registration to Speech Pathology Australia to ensure the best outcomes for Queensland speech pathologists. Petrea consistently approaches challenges with unwavering professionalism and “big picture” thinking to achieve the best outcomes. Most recently, Petrea led the transformation of the Branch structure to align with future directions at a Board level. She has not only left a legacy for a sustainable Branch well in to the future, but set an example of commitment to the profession. Unfortunately Petrea was unable to accept her award in person at the Annual General Meeting, with the award to be presented at a Queensland-based ceremony later this year. Petrea Cornwell Petrea has held portfolio lead positions in the Queensland Branch, including the position of Branch President, over a six- year period from 2007-2013.
2014–2015 Board members (top row, from left) Tennille Burns, Gaenor Dixon, Deborah Theodoros, Robyn Stephen, (front, from left) Belinda Hill, Brooke Sanderson and Asher Verheggen.
The Board of Directors for 2014–2015 were also confirmed at the AGM as follows: • President – Deborah Theodoros • Vice President Operations – Robyn Stephen • Vice President Communications – Gaenor Dixon • General Directors > Tennille Burns > Belinda Hill We welcomed new Directors Belinda Hill, Brooke Sanderson and Asher Verheggen. Retiring Directors (Meg Maggiore, Stacie Attrill, Felicity Burke Teena Caithness and Michelle Foley) were sincerely thanked for their significant contributions to the Association. > Asher Verheggen > Brooke Sanderson
Speak Out August 2014
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