Speak Out October 2018

Association news

Expressions of interest

Accolades for Speech

SPEECH PATHOLOGY AUSTRALIA, in collaboration with Pesel & Carr, is proud to announce that the Speech Pathology Week 2017 campaign has won the Victorian State Award for the Social and Digital Campaign category at the Public Relations Institute of Australia Golden Target Awards. The award recognises the strength of using video storytelling to spread the word on communication access. Congratulations to the Association’s communications and marketing team. As part of that campaign, the Association produced (completely in-house) a series of seven videos. Who could forget Olga and Margot explain why communication access is just so important? Pictured are scenes from the award winning video collection. Pathology Week 2017 campaign

Justice Sector Call for expressions of interest to join a working party to develop Speech Pathology Australia’s Clinical Guideline, Position Statement, Factsheet and Infographic about Speech Pathology in Justice Are you currently involved or interested in working in the justice sector and would like to contribute to shaping policy in this area for Australian speech pathologists ? Speech Pathology Australia is seeking a broad representation of clinicians and researchers involved with speech pathology in the justice system. It is hoped that the working party will comprise members from each state or territory, and there will be representatives of people practising/researching across ages (youth justice or adult corrections), stages of the justice system (improving access to justice during investigations/trial, or providing assessments/therapy once sentenced), roles (complainants, the accused, and those sentenced), and settings (community or custodial). Members of the working party will be expected to contribute to the development of practice documents, through a knowledge of the published evidence base and/or clinical practice. It is anticipated that work on the documents will begin in early 2019, and will be completed by mid-late 2019. If you are interested in being a member of this working party, please send your CV along with a brief (maximum 500 words) statement outlining your experience with speech pathology (or communication intermediary) assessments, interventions or research in justice to mwoodward@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au by COB on Wednesday 14 November.


October 2018 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Speak Out

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