Speak Out October 2018

Speech Pathology Week

Access through reading

During Speech Pathology Week the speech pathology team at the Port Pirie Department for Education office were involved with The Little Big Book Swap, to raise funds for Raising Literacy Australia and to celebrate and promote Speech Pathology Week. Funds and books raised will support the establishment of picture book libraries in local and regional communities that are in need of books. Books donated will be distributed (care of Uniting Country SA Port Pirie) to children, young people and families in need; helping to establish home libraries and promote a lifelong love of books and reading.

Gold Coast private practice SLPs created a display poster on the team working with paediatric clients as part of SP Week activities.

In the South Australian Riverland town of Berri the team got their #SPweek on! The community health speech pathology department celebrated the week with an afternoon tea at the Riverland General Hospital. Food, activities, and communication opportunities made for an enjoyable afternoon. The Allied Health team was invited to take part in activities to test their non-verbal communication skills: pick an animal card out of a hat and find colleagues with the same animal using only non- verbal communication skills. This evoked much laughter but also resulted in many people feeling self-conscious about how to get their message across without talking. It highlighted just how important communication access is – whatever form it may be. SA speech pathologists Sarah Walter, Kate Slee, Belinda Binney, Christelle MacDonald and Sophie Hill. Access for all in SA

Student bake sale

The Speech Pathology Students' Society (SPSS) from The University of Melbourne celebrated Speech Pathology Week in a very sweet and delectable way by holding a bake sale to raise funds for the Australian Aphasia Association. The bake sale was a wonderful success! SPSS raised over $300 and raised awareness about communication access and aphasia to other students.


October 2018 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Speak Out

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