Speak Out October 2017
Branch News
Displays and information for SPWeek
about speech pathologists’ role and providing tips on how everyone can support patients with a communication disability. Yvette Dempsey (Gold Coast Private Practitioner) Yvette Dempsey visited Gold Coast Child Care Centre in Ashmore, where parents had the opportunity to ask her question about their children’s communication. Yvette also made herself available at the Nerang Library during Rhyme Time and at the Special Needs Library to chat with parents and staff. Australian Catholic University The Australian Catholic University Speech Pathology Society held an event in SP Week called “Find Your Future”. A panel of five speech pathologists from various universities and areas of clinical practice, shared their experiences on transition into the workforce. Representatives from Qld Health, DET and SPA/private practice also attended.
SPEECH PATHOLOGISTS AND services across the state ran events for Speech Pathology Week 2017 with great success. 1. Mater Hospital Over Speech Pathology Week, Mater Hospital hosted a baking stall where funds were raised for SPA. Fourth year students from the Australian Catholic University, on placement at Mater, collaborated to help man the stall for the day, engage and advocate for the professional. 3. James Cook University Speech Pathology students at James Cook University created a wonderful video, www. youtube.com/watch?v=i6hP42JAqkM ! Students also had a display at the JCU library during the
QLD 1745 members as at September 2017
week that attracted lots of interest. 3. The Prince Charles Hospital
The Prince Charles Hospital Speech Pathologists held a week-long information display in the hospital cafe and spoke daily to hospital staff and visitors
Call for 2019 National Conference Planning Committee 2019 Joint SPA and NZSTA National Conference, Brisbane
now being sought for the above positions. Your expression of interest should include a covering letter stating relevant experience and a curriculum vitae to support the application. Applications should be submitted to Pamela Richards, National Conference Manager via email conference@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
(1x SPA; 1x NZSTA), Scientific Program Chair (1x SPA; 1x NZSTA) and Conference Committee members (2 x SPA; 1 x NZSTA) The Board is pleased to announce that Speech Pathology Australia and the New Zealand Speech- Language Therapists Association have agreed to hold a joint conference in Brisbane from Sunday 2–Wednesday 5 June 2019 at the Brisbane Convention Centre. Nominations from Queensland members are
Applications close Monday 23 October 2017.
October 2017 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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