Speak Out October 2017
Out and about Speech Pathology Week
Bathurst speech pathologists celebrating Speech Pathology Week together.
THE SA BRANCH ran a social media competition in Speech Pathology Week to raise awareness of the need for communication access. The Branch developed a poster that aimed to have people reflect on the ways they and their customers/community members communicate. Anyone who posted a photo of themselves with the poster to social media and included #spweek, was eligible for a Visa voucher prize. Posters went up in locations around and beyond South Australia, and we know this prompted some interesting conversations about communication difficulties. We had entries from as far afield as Bhutan! But there could only be one winner, and we were delighted to be able to present Seth (pictured) with his prize! When asked about his experience of speech pathology, Seth reflected that “Speech pathology has helped me a lot with knowing more words, practising my Uno skills, and it makes me more happy and confident at school.” The Community Awareness Working Group hopes to maintain a focus on communication access throughout the next year. Poster prize winner
The Special Needs Library which is part of the Nerang Public Library on the Gold Coast helped to feature Speech Pathology Week.
A gathering of “speechies” at the Isle of Capri on the Gold Coast in QLD enjoyed a special Speech Pathology Week breakfast.
Some great advice being given by the panel at the Victorian Student Branch event SLP2B–Pathways in speech pathology. Get yourself a mentor, love what you do and network, network, network was the message.
October 2017 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
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