Speak Out October 2016
Branch News
Northern Territory
Speech Pathology Week Fun
When the topic of Speech Pathology Week was raised at the Northern Territory Branch meeting earlier in the year, we decided to look for something other than the usual information booth at the market or in-service to health professionals. Our search for something different led us to the Darwin City Council’s Fun Bus. The Fun Bus is a mobile playgroup for children aged birth to five that travels to different locations around Darwin each day. With the beautiful dry season weather the Fun Bus takes advantage of outdoor settings like parks and gardens, while in the wet season the Fun Bus activities are held indoors in the much-needed air conditioning. Fun Bus playgroup sessions are free and aim to engage children in new experiences and help them develop social skills through play. It also provides children with the opportunity to interact with other adults and children, and make new friends. For parents and carers, the Fun Bus lets them meet other parents, learn how to develop skills with their child through play, and provides ideas for activities to try at home. The Fun Bus also helps parents link with services and support within the local community. As part of Speech Pathology Week this year, an army of SPA volunteers “gate crashed” the Fun Bus playgroup sessions to promote speech pathology. Our fabulous volunteers set up the colouring table, encouraged children to enter the Speech Pathology Week colouring competition, and handed out Speech Pathology Week goodies such as balloons and stickers. They also spent time talking with parents and carers about speech and language development and answered questions from parents about their child’s speech and language skills. Information was provided on speech pathology services available in Darwin and handouts were given on speech and language milestones. The Fun Bus was a great way to engage with the local community to promote Speech Pathology Week and sharpen our colouring skills at the same time. A big thank you to everyone who came and helped out.
NT 44 members as at August 2016
Meg Redway NT Branch Editor
October 2016 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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