Student tips to keep you motivated

DANIEL HRBOLIC • Have a self-care routine that works best for you. This can be mindfulness meditation, a skincare routine or keeping a journal to reflect on how your day went and what you are grateful for. • Set boundaries and balance between uni and life, such as, turning off the laptop at a certain time or giving yourself a uni-free day whenever possible. • Once a day, do something that is easily achievable like cooking a healthy meal or something else that sparks your or someone else’s happiness and joy • Find a study space where you are most comfort- able and productive; this is essential for wanting to study during lockdown. • Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Looking after your- self is more important than ever now, so seeking support from your university or family and friends is one of my #1 tips. You’re never alone! tricks to coping and staying motivated and happy/fulfilled during lockdown. Speech pathology students Daniel Hrbolic and Ashlesha Singde share their top tips and

ASHLESHA SINGDE • Create a morning-routine or action plan/to-do list each day to help you keep organised and ensures work gets done earlier, leaving the evening/night- time free. • Arrange video calls with family and friends scat- tered through the week. It helps to talk to others regarding the highs and lows. • Explore some personal development options on topics of interest. The SPA website has many op- tions, which I wouldn't have explored if it wasn't for lockdown. • Organise an online uni study group. Uni can be overwhelming and staying motivated is difficult when doing it alone. Have 20mins of non-study related talk and an hour on study-related topics. • Step away from the desk, put aside the technol- ogy and get some fresh air. Screen time can cause headaches and fatigue, so it's essential to go for at least a 20mins walk to free up your mind and reduce any built-up stress or anxiety.

Top three tips from Headspace

Write out a plan to help motivate yourself. Start with something that seems easier, then move onto difficult things. Take it slow and one step at a time. Focus your attention on only a couple things at any one time, trying to do everything at once will only stress you out. Reward yourself every time you reach a mini milestone. This helps put large goals into perspective and energises you to reach the next step. www.headspace.org.au


October 2021 | Speak Out

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