External support for you and your staff
Indigenous Allied Health Australia Self-care Support Series for the Aboriginal and
Running a business has been particularly challenging during COVID-19. There is an array of supports available to practice owners to help you to
Torres Strait Islander Health Workforce iaha.com.au/covid-selfcare-series
look after yourself and your staff. Some of these are listed below: Ahead for Business
National Mental Health commission Mentally Healthy Workplaces during COVID-19: Small Business www.mentalhealthcommission.gov.au
This is funded by The Australian Treasury and includes a centralised hub of support, information and resources for small business owners and those who support them in navigating events like COVID-19 and includes a mental health checkup, a business stress test and a well being plan. aheadforbusiness.org.au Beyond Blue have developed NewAccess for Small Business Owners, a free and confidential mental health coaching program, developed by Beyond Blue to give small business owners, including sole traders the support they need. www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/ newaccess/newaccess-for-small-business- owners Black dog Institute - Mental Health at work In partnership with the NSW Government, The Black Dog Institute is providing mental health training to eligible workplaces across NSW at no cost. www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/education- services/workplaces/mental-health-at-work- nsw Business.gov.au Mental health and well-being support for business Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health www.crrmh.com.au/programs-and-projects/ wellbeing-rural-small-business/ Heads Up Includes links to and array of resources including, Supporting small business owners to improve their mental health and wellbeing at work: A guide for work contacts, friends and family. www.headsup.org.au
Safework- mental health www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au State based resources
NSW Small Business Commissioner NT government support services for mental health Business Queensland Small Business Commissioner SA Business Tasmania Business Victoria Small Business Development Corporation WA Nichola Harris Manager Professional Practice
Speak Out | October 2021
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