the amount of work that still needs to be done. We have plans underway to extend our research. Future studies will focus on ways to ensure the long-term sustainability of the model. We are open to collaborating with other organisations keen to undertake similar transformational change! References Camp, C. J. (2010). Origins of Montessori programming for dementia. Non-pharmacological Therapies in Dementia , 1(2), 163. Janssen, L. M., Kinney, J. M., & Farfsing, K. M. (2021). Through the Montessori Looking-Glass: Barriers to Implementing a Montessori-Based Intervention. J ournal of Applied Gerontology , 40(9), 1105-1109. Roberts, G., Morley, C., Walters, W., Malta, S., & Doyle, C. (2015). Caring for people with dementia in residential aged care: Successes with a composite person-centered care model featuring Montessori-based activities. Geriatric Nursing , 36(2), 106-110. van der Ploeg, E. S., Eppingstall, B., Camp, C. J., Runci, S. J., Taffe, J., & O'Connor, D. W. (2013). A randomized crossover trial to study the effect of personalized, one- to-one interaction using Montessori-based activities on agitation, affect, and engagement in nursing home residents with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics , 25(4), 565-575.


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