Branch News
QRBLF Governance Committee Call for nominations Nominations are now being sought from Queensland based speech pathologists, to join the Queensland Registration Board Legacy Funds Program Governance Committee. The committee provides strategic and management oversight to the deployment of residual funds, following the cessation of the Queensland Registration Board. The Governance Committee meets on a quarterly basis, via teleconference, to evaluate the implementation of the various schemes, and develop and review plans for the program. For further information regarding the Committee and nomination process please contact execassist@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au Nominations close Friday 25 October 2019. SPEECH PATHOLOGY WEEK IN QUEENSLAND Here is a taste of some of the events that were run for Speech Pathology Week around Queensland.
QLD 1972 members as at August 2019 University of Queensland Week of Events The University of Queensland students put on a full week of events for Speech Pathology Week including: Aphasia choir performance, silent bake sale, Flavor Creations and Hear and Say presentations, and finally a book drive. Australian Catholic University (Brisbane Campus) Find your Futures Evening ACU welcomed employers from across a range of practice areas and newly graduated ACU speech pathologists to answer questions about what students can expect for the future, and some hot tips for new graduates
Griffith University (Gold Coast Campus) Speech Pathology Week Stall For Speech Pathology Week the Griffith university Gold Coast reps ran an advocacy event and bake sale to raise awareness for the profession and communicating with confidence. Griffith University (Nathan Campus) Library Stall Student representatives from Griffith University Nathan Campus held a stall in the Library.
Bundaberg Members Celebration Local members in Bundaberg joined together to celebrated Speech Pathology week through a local dinner hosted by members in the community.
Wide Bay Bay Member Events Wide Bay regional representatives held two networking events across Bundaberg and Hervey Bay for local speech pathologists from all fields to connect, to build their networks and engage with each other over nibbles at local beachside restaurants.
Article in the Gold Coast Bulletin Gold Coast speech pathologist, Kathy Osbourne, was featured in the Gold Coast Bulletin.
October 2019 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
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