The ethics mailbag features responses to questions or discussion on hot topics to help you navigate ethical practice of being a speech pathologist. We want to have a conversation about the issues you are experiencing in your daily practice and help you navigate through everyday ethical challenges. Please identify topics that are interesting and relevant to you and then have a chat with us - email us your The ETHICS MAILBAG! The platform for members to write in with questions and thoughts on anything ethics related!
questions, ideas and responses to our ethical scenario below! Submit your questions to ethics@speechpathologyaustralia.org.au December edition Mailbag deadline: 1 November 2019
Increasingly we are hearing from you about how difficult it can be to navigate providing services to a child whose parents are separated. Some of the more common scenarios include: • You have been working with a student for a couple of months, out of the blue you are contacted by the child’s Mother. Dad has only ever brought the child in, and you assumed Mum wasn’t involved. • You have a new assessment with a child, Mum brings the child in and mentions her now ex-partner is seeking custody but currently there is no parenting order in place. • You asked for and received a copy of a parenting order for your new intake, it states that both parents share equal access to the child, however they are not to have each other’s contact details. The key to working with separated parents is to obtain a copy of the parenting order, at your first contact with the family, and follow what it states. For many clinicians it is becoming typical practice to ask families to bring along any relevant reports or
court orders to their initial assessment, as it is easier to start your clinical interactions knowing this, rather than having to change your style of interaction once you have started your clinical relationship. If there is no active parenting order in place, you should assume that your communication needs to reach both parents equally. This might mean emailing your notes and copying both parents, or spending the last 10 minutes of your session calling the parent who wasn’t able to attend. If the court order states that the parents are not permitted to contact each other, having written communication and blind copying both parties, is probably the easiest option to ensure you are communicating in a timely manner. If you find yourself working with separated parents and not being sure how to proceed, our website has information about gaining consent from separated parents as well as some frequently asked questions around this topic. Next time our topic is about offers, prizes, or inducements. Do you use these? Why or why not? Send your questions to ethics@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Room for rent
We are looking for a paediatric speech and language pathologist to join our child and adolescent psychology practice in Lane Cove. • Suitable for those with their own small sole or group practice already, or those seeking to start working in private practice. • Warm and friendly atmosphere. We are a small practice of 3 psychologists who work exclusively with children and adolescents. • Flexible rental or contract arrangements. • Small but spacious suite of three consult rooms with common admin area and waiting room with toys, tv etc. • Plenty of free parking and set within a small village of shops.
Consulting Rooms - Available for Lease The Live Lightly Centre has had the doors open since 2016. A modern and progressive Centre gaining a solid reputation amongst the community and attracting a family focused clientele. Looking for like-minded practitioners to add to our team. The Centre includes : ⸙ Naturopath ⸙ Massage Therapist ⸙ Infrared Sauna ⸙ Reception area which supplies a range of healthy and organic products; nutritional supplements, health foods, cleaning and herbal remedies. 34 Ellen Stirling Parade, Ellenbrook WA 6069 - Phone : 08 6355 6246
Please send expressions of interest to: sophiesmith@theyoungmindclinic.com
Email : reception@livelightlycentre.com.au Naturopath : Tracey Walker, BHSc (Nat)
October 2019 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
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