Help us to understand the cause of stuttering
Do you, or does someone you know, have a strong family history of stuttering and a new born baby aged up to 16 weeks? You are invited to participate in a project to help us understand the cause of stuttering.
EXPLORING BRAIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF YOUNG CHILDREN AT RISK FOR STUTTERING Do you have a baby aged between 6 and 18 weeks of age? Would you like to help us understand the nature and cause of stuttering?
The Australian Stuttering Research Centre is conducting a study to explore the brain structure and function of young children at risk for stuttering.
Babies will be scanned using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This will cause no harm to your child. Scanning will take place at the Brain and Mind Research Institute, Camperdown.
We are seeking babies aged between 6 and 18 weeks of age, with and without a family history of stuttering.
A visit will take up to 2 hours and you will be with your child at all times. You will receive a gift voucher for participating in the study.
If you have a child aged between 6 and 18 weeks of age and would like further information about this study please contact Robyn Lowe at the Australian Stuttering Research Centre, the University of Technology Sydney by email robyn.lowe@uts.edu.au or call 02 9514 5314. Participation is entirely voluntary
University of Technology Sydney Human Research Ethics Reference Number # ETH18_3046
Advertisement Version 3, 18th January 2019 UTS HREC Reference Number # ETH18_3046
PO Box 123 Broadway NSW 2007Australia www.uts.edu.au UTS CRICOS PROVIDER CODE 00099F ABN: 77 257686961
Professor Mark Onslow Director
Australian Stuttering Research Centre The University of Technology Sydney Graduate School of Health 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007 T: +61 2 9514 5314 Mark.Onslow@uts.edu.au asrc.uts.edu.au
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