Professional education
2019 National Tour by Dr Julie Cichero Workshops If you haven’t had a chance to attend Julie Cichero’s
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Every year, Anita Rodrick, SPA Professional Education
Administration Officer organises a wonderful morning tea at National Office to support the Cancer Council’s life-saving research, prevention and support programs. This year was no exception as Anita raised a substantial sum of money for this valuable cause.
highly successful National Tour, here’s your last chance. Make sure you don't miss out! Register now Canberra Thursday 14 November 2019 Friday 15 November 2019 Recording
A new way to search for professional education events The professional education team are thrilled to announce a new, improved way for members to view and register for Professional Education events. All events are now categorised by state with an additional tab for Online Learning. Along with the new formatting, event attendees are also able to print out their own Certificates of Attendance from the website. Head over to our page to have a look! New feature
Were you unable to attend Dr Julie Cichero’s National Tour in your state? Or do you live in regional and remote areas of Australia? Dr Cichero’s National Tour is now available online. For more information contact Maree Brown, Manager Professional Education.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness Register now! For Speech Pathology Australia members, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness Program registration is FREE! Darwin: 12 October 2019 Hobart: 11 November 2019 Upon successful completion of this educational event, participants will be able to: • Describe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures, why cultural awareness is important and how it impacts daily business. • Develop skills and self-confidence to better engage with Indigenous peoples, increasing cultural responsiveness and building cultural safety. • Explore the value of difference and what connects and unites us, to build cultural safety for all. • Employ strengthened leadership and build staff resilience to support Indigenous initiatives and policies. • Identify improved practice in your role as a speech pathologist. Canberra: Postponed Melbourne: 09 November 2019 (almost full)
SPA’s first online workshop Paediatric fluency: What to do when? Dr Kate Bridgman, MSPA CPSP, Dr Shane Erickson, MSPA CPSP This workshop is designed to update and upskill clinicians working with children who stutter. We will review current EBP for assessment, intervention and all service delivery models. We will share tips and tricks that will enhance your confidence, efficiency and efficacy as a fluency clinician. This workshop will run across two, half day ONLINE sessions from 2-6pm AEST: Part 1 - Wednesday 20 November 2019 Part 2 - Wednesday 27 November 2019 Registration is for one person per site. Attendance is required for both sessions.
Maree Brown Manager Professional Education
October 2019 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
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