Association news
CBOS review stakeholder consultation We need your feedback!
The review of the Competency Based Occupational Standards for Speech Pathologists – Entry Level (CBOS) is an important initiative of Speech Pathology Australia. It will support the development of a future ready workforce capable of delivering best practice and fulfilling the vision and aspirations articulated in Speech Pathology 2030: making futures happen project . Importantly, the revised standards will be relevant to all speech pathologists wishing to work in Australia, throughout their career. The CBOS Review Project began in mid-2018 and has involved an extensive consultation and research process. Draft standards, currently titled 'Professional standards for speech pathologists in Australia' have been developed. To learn more about the review process and consultation approach used to develop the draft please refer to the Speech Pathology Australia website. SPA is now seeking feedback on the draft standards from stakeholders including: • speech pathologists (SPA members and non-members). The purpose of the consultation is to further refine the standards. This will inform their completion by late December 2019. The consultation process will run from Monday 7 October until Friday 25 October 2019. There are three different ways for stakeholders to contribute to the consultation being facilitated by Young Futures. 1. Online feedback The draft standards and a link to provide online feedback will be available from 7-25 October 2019 on the Speech Pathology Australia website. 2. Webinar - 9 October 2019, 2-3pm AEDT The webinar will be live (accessible via computer or phone) but will also be recorded and made available through the Speech Pathology Australia website. The webinar will include a presentation providing an overview of the draft standards and will include an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback using a written chat function (available by computer or smart phone only). Questions can be sent to Young Futures before or during the webinar. Following the presentation, responses to the main question themes will be provided. Pre-registration will not be required. Just dial or link in at the scheduled time. Details will be provided on Monday 7 October 2019. 3. Focus Groups The focus groups will contribute to the refinement of terminology and/or specific components of the draft standards. Each focus group will be limited to 10 participants. Self-nomination for focus groups will close at 5pm AEDT on Tuesday 15 October. You will receive confirmation of whether or • ssers of speech pathology services; • employers of speech pathologists; • professional associations; • universities; • organisations; and
ABOVE: The CBOS review project consultation sessions were facilitated by Gretchen young of Young Futures. BELOW: The sessions included a range of particpants.
not you have been selected for a focus group by 5pm AEDT on Thursday 17 October. Selection will focus on ensuring a mix of perspectives and experiences relevant to the key issue being discussed. Self-nominate via the SPA website from Monday 7 October 2019.
Focus group sessions
Time (AEDT)
Applying the professional standards from graduation onwards
2:00-3:30pm Monday 21 October 1:00-2:30pm Saturday 26 October 2:00-3:30pm Tuesday 22 October 7:00-8:30pm Wednesday 23 October 7:00-8:30pm Tuesday 22 October 2:00-3.30pm Wednesday 23 October 1:00-2:30pm Thursday 24 October 2:00-3:30pm Friday 25 October
Applying the professional standards to students and at the point of entry to the profession Review of content about communication Review of content about communication Review of content about swallowing and mealtime participation Review of content about swallowing and mealtime participation Review of content about community and population speech pathology practice Review of the visual model representing speech pathology practice
October 2019 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
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