Speak Out June 2019
Association news
Give voice to the profession WHY YOU SHOULD RENEW
Why should you renew your membership? It is a good question. And one with a very simple answer. When you renew you are joining a professional organisation backed by over 9,700 members. And one where membership has clear benefits! Benefits that include: • use of the post-nominal CPSP (as applicable); • professional indemnity insurance at a reduced cost from Guild Insurance (and access to Meridian Lawyers); • recourse to WorkPlacePLUS; • exclusive discounts on a range of quality lifestyle, leisure and financial services through the Member Advantage Program; • support of senior managers and advisors across a range of areas, including professional practice, professional support, disability, aged care, ethics, professional issues and professional standards; • the Association’s bi-monthly magazine, Speak Out; • free access to the Australian Journal of Rural Health and the Journal Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica; • a 30% discount on a range of publications from Routledge (Taylor & Francis); • the International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology; • “closed” members-only Facebook communities on a range of professional and clinical matters; • professional development workshops and online events at member rates, including registration for the Association’s annual National Conference; • support through the Association’s mentoring and supervision programs; and, • the ability to find or post a new job through the Association’s Career Centre.
Your membership of Speech Pathology Australia helps gives voice to the speech pathology profession in Australia. In the last 12 months, your Association has worked hard to put your interests as a speech pathologist to the fore. These endeavours have included: • securing NDIS therapy price increases from 1 July 2019; • invitations to give evidence at public hearings related to the NDIS, aged care (including the Royal Commission into Aged Care); • contributing to the formation of key recommendations to the review of MBS items; • advocating for and supporting the implementation of communication intermediary roles in a number of state and territory jurisdictions; • supporting the introduction of the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) across Australia; • supporting a range of managers and advisors in the Association’s National Office in key areas, including private practice, professional standards, ethics, disability, justice, mental health and NDIS; • produced and launched videos on youth justice and forensic mental health; • broadened the range of member-only materials available via the Association’s website, including revised and updates Clinical Guidelines, NDIS updates and information, and private practice FAQs, guides and toolkits on a range of topics; and, • ongoing CPD and other professional education events, including private practice forums, sessions for new and early career members, and a “sell-out” National Tour with Dr Julie Cichero.
For a complete list of member benefits visit the Association’s website: www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/benefits
June 2019 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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