Speak Out June 2019
Branch News
The Vic Branch Member Engagement Group including Jenny Elliott, Sarah Draper, Chrissa Stavrou and Anastasia Spanos, along with Charmaine Tu, Victorian Branch Chair Speech Pathology Australia, hosted a Welcome event for members at a wine a cheese bar in the inner north suburb of Carlton. The event was an opportunity for practising, non-practising and student SPA members to meet fellow speech pathologists and their Victorian Branch representatives. The venue allowed a relaxed welcome and introduction to the Branch, and attendees were provided with flyers outlining Speech Pathology Australia membership benefits. The wine and cheese presentation was also interesting and entertaining, with a variety of different delicacies included. The informal setting encouraged students and new graduates to network with speech pathologists as well as Branch members about information available on the SPA web- site, clinical information, job opportunities and future directions of the profession. The conversation was buzzing! Well done to the members who won the door prizes. Thank you to Charmaine who welcomed our members and other Vic Branch members who supported the event Thanks to the ME team, in particular Sarah Draper, who coordinated the bookings and liaison with National Office. Member engagement welcome event 2019
VIC 2380 members as at April 2019
The Vic Branch Member Engagement group with Charmaine Tu, Speech Pathology Australia Victo- rian Branch Chair (centre).
June 2019 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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