Speak Out June 2019
Professional development
The Speak Up Podcast Coming soon to members
The new Speak Up Podcast is designed to provide listeners with “bite-sized chunks” of focused key learnings from Australia’s leaders in the speech pathology space. In our 10-minute podcasts you will learn about the latest research updates, case studies, evidence-based practice and “hot topics”, all of which can be accessed during the commute, lunch break or even on weekends. Content and delivery will be driven by SPA representatives including your CPD Coordinators, CPD Committee Members, SPA advisors, Early Career Reference Group and SPA Student Members.
Professional Self Regulation Did you know that listening to our new Speak Up Podcast will earn you CPD points? Podcasts are relevant to professional practice through the extension of knowledge and skills of speech pathologists. As such, all podcasts will fall under the PSR category of ‘Independent Study’: 1 point per hour of podcast participation. Independent study (Code IS)
June 2019 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au
Speak Out
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