Speak Out June 2019

From the President

The television, radio and social media are all full of EOFY advertisements right now. EOFY means EOMY (end of membership year) for Speech Pathology Australia members - renewals opened on the 3 June. Since I have been in this role, membership in the Association has nearly doubled! Double the members has meant that we can do (more than) double the work, and when you read through this edition of Speak Out you can see the many ways that we support members in their endeavours to provide high-quality professional services, and advocate so that all Australians can access high-quality professional services. So don’t forget to renew - it benefits you, it benefits the profession and it benefits Australians with communication and mealtime support needs. As I write this we are doing the final preparations for the joint Speech Pathology Australia and New Zealand Speech Language Therapists Association Conference. It will be a fabulous opportunity to learn from each other and the leaders in our various fields. This year National Conference is being held during Reconciliation Week. The theme of Reconciliation Week is Grounded Truth: Walk together with courage. To truly have reciprocal relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples our relationships must be based on truth. The truth for our profession and Association is that we have not always listened and implemented practices that truly respect and acknowledge the skills, knowledges and languages of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. At National Conference on behalf of the Association I will acknowledge this truth, and apologise for the harm and non-beneficence that this has caused our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues, clients and communities. This apology allows us to continue our journey towards reconciliation – which will continue with the commencement of our first Reconciliation Action Plan. Conference also marks the EOBY - End of the Board Year - where the Board of the Association changes over with newly elected members stepping on to the Board and resigning members stepping down. This year Marleen Westerveld will be stepping down from the Board. I would like to acknowledge the passion, intellect and perspectives that Marleen has brought to the Board; thank you Marleen for all your work for our Association and profession. I would like to welcome Eddie Ong and Kathryn McKinley on to the incoming Board. This year I will be stepping down from the Board too. I would like to thank you for the opportunity and privilege of being able to serve on the Board and as National President over the last four years. I would like to thank the current and past Boards for all their support and work. Thank you to Gail Mulcair, CEO, for your capacity to advise the Board and take Board directions and strategise them into the actions that you see in your day-to-day life. I would also like to thank our National Office staff - we are very lucky to have staff with your skills and passion, and I have enjoyed and learnt so much from working with you. The Association is in a strong position due to a strong Board with a clear vision for the future of the Association, the strong strategic and management skills of the CEO, the senior management team of the Association, all staff, and you our members who volunteer and participate. Thank you to all. I will miss this role but look forward to seeing the Association moving forward with new voices.

Gaenor Dixon

Gaenor Dixon National President


June 2019 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Speak Out

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