Speak Out June 2017

From the President

WELCOME TO THE June edition of Speak Out . This edition is packed with information on current Association events and priorities, with a focus on a range of speech pathologists working across a range of sectors. For those of you who attended conference, I hope that you were able to return home and put into practice the “bite-sized” pieces of information that you gained to get yourself moving towards 2030. I took away with me many “bites” (maybe my mouth is now overfull?), so I am now prioritising. It was lovely to see so many of you at conference, and to share the best bits through social media such as twitter. I hope that those of you who were unable to attend this year could follow the news through the conference hashtag #SPAConf. My congratulations to Harmony Turnbull, Conference Convenor, Andy Smidt, Scientific Program Convenor and the conference planning committee together with Pam and Colleen our NO staff - the conference really was fabulous with high calibre papers, inspiring keynotes and the opportunity to network with our peers, and with exhibitors. I am really looking forward to Adelaide in 2018, and I hope that this conference has inspired you to consider submitting an abstract when papers open from Wednesday 14 June. A further wrap-up of the Sydney conference will be in the August edition of Speak Out . The Annual General Meeting and awards ceremony were held during the conference. My congratulations to our award winners this year – it was exciting to have so many! More information on the award winners will be provided in the August Speak Out . At the AGM the Board for the next 12 months was also announced. The following people

will be on the Board of Directors of the Association: • Tim Kittel- Vice President Communications • Belinda Hill- Vice President Operations • Chyrisse Heine- Director • Brooke Sanderson- Director • Lee McGovern- Director • Marlene Westerveld- Director • Gaenor Dixon- President My thanks to all the people who stood for election to the Board of Directors this year. It was exciting to see so many high- calibre applicants wish to volunteer for the Association on the Board. If you are interested in the strategic direction in which our profession is travelling, and wish to help steer that direction, then I encourage you to consider nominating for the Board in January 2018. I also want to take a minute to thank Robyn Stephen who has stepped down from the Board after 6- years of service as a Director and as Vice-President. Robyn has been a tireless, committed and hard-working Director over her time on the Board, and she will be missed. The Association recently launched its strategic plan for 2017-2019. The 3-year strategic plan starts the Association, and its members, on the journey towards 2030. There are many exciting initiatives built into the plan. I hope you can take the time to read it. So, time to get started on the next strategic plan - I look forward to updating you on its progress over my two-year term!

Gaenor Dixon

Gaenor Dixon National President


June 2017 www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Speak Out

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