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Life Care Inner West is a multidisciplinary group practice, consisting of psychologists and other allied health professionals. The team is highly experienced and committed to working for their clients, to promote quality of life. Life Care Inner West are inviting qualified Speech Pathologists to join the team. This is a unique business opportunity for individuals seeking to establish or further develop their practice. Eligibility for membership of Speech Pathology Australia is required.

For enquiries and applications please email : confidential@lifecareinnerwest.com.au

Looking for work? Advertising a speech pathologist job?

Remember to check our ‘ Education and Careers ’ section of the website, available from the homepage menu. For more information about our Job Board etc please call National Office on 1300 368 835.

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Conference Announcement

Achieving Effective Outcomes: Language, Learning & Literacy

12th & 13th September 2013, Parramatta RSL

Speech Pathology Australia ’ s bi-monthly members ’ magazine Speak Out is mailed to more than 5,000 speech Australian and international pathologists. For more information about advertising opportunities please contact Publications Officer Lana Busby at pubs@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au

Register now & don’t miss out! Early Bird Registration closes Friday 2nd August 2013. Professor Nelson is well known for her contribution to our current understanding of language disorders and has published widely, including her book ‘Language and Literacy Disorders: Infancy through Adolescence.’ She will present on models of spoken and written language disorders; assessment, diagnosis and intervention for children with language/ literacy disorders. Other speakers include Associate Professor Cori Williams, Associate Professor Genevieve McArthur, and Dr Roslyn Neilson, amongst others. To view the conference program and register on-line visit our website. Evidence based practices that aim to improve effective outcomes for children and adolescents with language and/or learning impairments will be presented at this conference. Keynote Speaker: Professor Nickola Wolf Nelson Program Director, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Western Michigan University.

February 2013


Thankyou for your renewed support in 2013!

Get involvedwith yourAssociation in2013: Book of theYear 2013 nominations and judgingpanel AssociationAward nominations nowopen

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